Do moms need a lot of nutes?


Well-Known Member
For example, if I have an aeroponics system. Can I grow moms in it, take clones, reduce the mom's nutes and then root the clones in the same system?

I'm sure the mom's would stop growing fast becuz of the lack in nutes, but it wouldn't kill em' would it?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Most people grow their Mothers in Soil, at least the people I know do. I did keep a Mother in a Water Farm once. WOW!! What a pain in the ass that was. She grew so fast, and the Root Mass got HUGE! This is where I finally said No to Mothers and Hydro.


Well-Known Member
I keep my moms in DWC, its stupid simple. every time I take cuttings i also cut half the roots off, it all grows back fast. 1 mother supplies about 40 six inch clones per month and there is still leftover trim to get rid of. I try to keep the nute level around 600-800 which works for my situation perfectly. Clones have no roots so they cant use any nutes anyway so I would say yes its ok to keep them in same system.


Well-Known Member
Yes I have a DWC system as well, so your saying that the clones will still root w/ the 600ppm of nutes still in the water?


Well-Known Member
The above vs below mass tries to balance itself.

So if you have a healthy mum, it has a root ball to support the above 'ground' veg.

If you cut the mum down (cuttings/cones) The plant now has a lot more root mass then plant. It will focus it's energy on replacing/balancing the missing vegetation for the available root mass. (just grow a plant to try it out. Make a micro mum after it has become a good regular mum)

The nutes *probably* could be reduced since there is more root mass/surface area for the available vegetation for photosynthesis.

I'd keep ppm at current, but hold off on any adjustments until new growth is in full swing.

You aren't saving much in nutes. At a change over every 2 weeks, no real reason to change formulas.


Well-Known Member
I think the nutes will burn the shit out of any roots that show up on the clones. I'm no expert, but I don't think brand new roots like any nutes at all.


Well-Known Member
Ya that's what I'm thinking, I guess my real question is... if I have moms in the system w/ 600ppm in nutes. Then for 2 weeks I give it just plain water (because of the clones waiting to root and grow a little) will the moms still survive? I think BigBudBalls showed that it will becuz the plant will not need a lot of nutes becuz it is focusing on repairing itself by growning new branches out.


Well-Known Member
i am curious about mom's as well. i have never had a actually mom i took clones from, but i plan to very soon and i am trying to figure out if soil is the way i should go. i am a big fan of dwc and swc so that is also an option.

i am not really sure what to do


Well-Known Member
I think it will live, but it depends on how much vegetation is left. In order to repair itself it will need energy, not as much but it will still need some. It will get that energy from the leaves that are left if it has no nutes to pull from the res. The leaves will begin to die off, but as long as you finish with a couple good ones left you will be fine The first time you do it I would suggest that u leave a little extra green on her so she can feed off of that, and then you can judge on how she does to determine how much you can cut off next pass...