do my plants look ok pics

hi do my plants look ok as here in scotland its being relly cold and not sure if my plants have being put under to much stress is that y thay look so yellow plz get back :weed:


Well-Known Member
They look great, I don't understand what you think the problem is, or may be. Look fine to me.
this is only my 2n grow and with how cold its being wast sure if that had put to much stress on them as my last grow the leves didt go like that just wanted to be on the safe side thanks for geting back
looks fine to me
what strain is that ?
and how long they flowered so far ?
it a cross way big bud aka47 and n/l and thay had being in 12/12 for 10 weeks cause of how cold its being thay took ages to grow im lucky if the grow room have being at 20 decress wen the lights no thay should be ready next week :weed: