Do normal people use the term "monkey it up"?

You do what you are complaining about all day every day every year.

You just accused Justin of obsessing about you when you’re not here but you spent hours this morning obsessing about me as I slept and made breakfast for my daughter who you once threatened to rape
You just accused Justin of obsessing about you when you’re not here but you spent hours this morning obsessing about me as I slept and made breakfast for my daughter who you once threatened to rape

Never threatened that. You did threaten to rape my wife though. You are a liar.

And I spent minutes doing this to you. You will spend hours.

Liar and hypocrite little child Bucky boy wonder.
You just accused Justin of obsessing about you when you’re not here but you spent hours this morning obsessing about me as I slept and made breakfast for my daughter who you once threatened to rape

Really? I'm pretty sure that's an immediate ban TOS violation, and if it were true he'd be gone rather than you going,"waaaah, mommy, some guy on the interwebs ia pissing me off, make him stop!"

I will be meeting my wife at the mall after my baby wakes up so I can buy her some shoes. She just started walking yesterday

Trigger alert for incels: in order to have a baby you must first have sex

So you deny the right for your pals in the picture from having a baby? Some LGBTXYZ+ supporter you are!
Is that how that acronym goes?

I don't know, they keep adding letters to the alphabet soup, it's hard to keep up. I fully support the people behind the letters, just not their insistence to come up with more obscure names. "Just pick something already."