Do Not Buy Feminized Seed!


Well-Known Member
Please don't confuse anecdotes with statistics.

I've grown plenty of feminized and not had hermies. That's my anecdotal experience.


Well-Known Member
anecdote- a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident
- an account regarded as unreliable or hearsay
basically an anecdote is a story that may have been truthful , but through time and retelling of the story has been modified and fictionalized.
Now, im not bashing or hating on the religion of feminized, but in my real world experience. Multiple grows, multiple strains, multiple stressors, I have experienced more herms from feminized seeds than regular. That being said, I have had regular seeds that herm.BUT! I do stress my plants in the last two weeks of flower so if the genetic has a herm tendency it will show. However, you will find that a lot of strains when taken beyond ripeness and stressed will produce male flowers. I have only had two plants herm early enough in flower to produce actual seeds and they were both feminized seeds. That is not hearsay that is real world accountability. Most of the time its just a pollen sack or two in the last week of flowering. In my opinion. OPINION, it is not enough to warrant a huge problem. The shit happens. I see pics on here all the time of great looking resin covered buds, with a damn banana hiding in the pussy.


Well-Known Member
RIU community I apologize. The title of this post is irresponsible. I was just wanting to start a discussion I did not anticipate the deep seeded (pun intended) debate and passion this would ignite. Please whatever you grow do it well, weather its a feminized or regular seed stock sorry for inciting such a debacle.


Well-Known Member
if you S1 a clone only you get fem's of that strain crossed itself
if you breed it to a male you are going to get way more variation from the original clone
eliminate the male and alot of the pheno hunting goes away
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bird dog

Well-Known Member
RIU community I apologize. The title of this post is irresponsible. I was just wanting to start a discussion I did not anticipate the deep seeded (pun intended) debate and passion this would ignite. Please whatever you grow do it well, weather its a feminized or regular seed stock sorry for inciting such a debacle.
You have nothing to apologize for here. The only thing you might have changed is the title. I found humor in it after I dove in, but others may not have. You woke up several minds (mine is always high -lol) and started some good conversation. That's what RIU is all about. Help keep this place alive my friend! Peace


Well-Known Member
Erm well I have grown for 2 years with regs and no herms. A lot of people are having herms with fems on the first grows.

Sure anything COULD herm, but you can't ignore those statistics!

Look at all these fem growers defending their seeds like it's their religion, just LOL.
>.< lol just lol

i bet the first time growers could of hermied a reg seed too >.>


Well-Known Member
You have nothing to apologize for here. The only thing you might have changed is the title. I found humor in it after I dove in, but others may not have. You woke up several minds (mine is always high -lol) and started some good conversation. That's what RIU is all about. Help keep this place alive my friend! Peace
I thought it was quite humorous myself. Guess I have a dry sense of humor...Geez


Well-Known Member
Good thread. But I like fem seeds and never had problems due to it being a fem seed. Always female seeds, never got a male. Have got a hermie but had nothing to do with female seeds. I like themfor the ease of kknowing from the beginning what the sex is. I use reg seeds when I want a male plant or more variation. That about sums up my opinion
Good thread. But I like fem seeds and never had problems due to it being a fem seed. Always female seeds, never got a male. Have got a hermie but had nothing to do with female seeds.
The hermie genetics come from the parent plant yes, but there's no denying the higher occurrences of herming with fem seeds with than regular, due to dodgy breeders as discussed in this thread.


Well-Known Member
The hermie genetics come from the parent plant yes, but there's no denying the higher occurrences of herming with fem seeds with than regular, due to dodgy breeders as discussed in this thread.
Yeah for sure, the fem seed with the hermie trait can definitely hermie, I had it happen with an agent Orange just last month, but it was hard to get it to hermie, it went through a ton of stress, all other clones off the same mother plant didn't herm though. VBut it can happen like it happened to me. Here's the kicker, it was a regular seed lol, TGA doesn't have any fem seeds.But I'm on board with if it has a hermie trait is in the genes, reg or fem, it can and will hermie under certain circumstances


Well-Known Member
A plant with good genetics will only herm if sprayed with colloidal silver, even if you torture the hell out of it. A plant that herms in any other circumstance has shit genetics period.
Yeah, I don't know much about it the breeding stuff so I'll absorb that info, you seem to know a lot about it and that makes sense but I have to stand by TGA is a great breeder, perhaps one of the best.
That OP is right about good genetics never herming, but I think I have come up with a more accurate way of explaining the 'more likely to herm' bit.

A femenised plant is not more likely to herm than a regular plant with the same genetics, i.e. the same parent plants.

A random feminised seed you buy off the web is more likely to herm than than a random regular seed you buy off the web, because some breeders don't use the colloidal silver method or they don't torture the plant to make sure it has good genetics.
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Well-Known Member
The hermie genetics come from the parent plant yes, but there's no denying the higher occurrences of herming with fem seeds with than regular, due to dodgy breeders as discussed in this thread.
if the " keeper strain " that the breeder is to " lazy " to stabilize
is used to make a fem and it has a hermi trait to start with and it is then bred with a clone of itself which also carries the hermi trait ( seeing how its a clone and all )
then you are further locking in the hermi trait
the FEM process has little to do with the hermi trait expressing itself its lazy breeders / greedy or just plain shotty genetics its like saying the GUN robbed the grocery store i was just standing there holding it

its the BREEDERS that are causing hermi's not the fact it was a fem

you dont think that most of these seeds are untested do you ?
alot of them are tested and found to hermi and still released by the breeders


Well-Known Member
i played hell getting my positronics purple haze #1 to hermi while using CS
it was a fem seed so it should of just jumped right on the hermi wagon


Well-Known Member
i would like to say sorry to who ever i was quoting i was actually half ass agreeing with you not attacking you
im a bit baked :D