Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid

I'm an HVAC tech mother fucker I just hustlr on the side so fuck what your talking about with all that black market shit! Selling weed is way more of a job than you think with mother fuckers like you blowing my phone up all the time! I provide a service that most people appreciate.
Dude you're arguing with people who want and NEED this legalized....why are you arguing anyways ......if its still illegal where your at you have nothing to worry about. Well except for the man busting down your door, taking your shit, losing your job and having all your CUSTYS you're charging 100 a q for turn over on your ass. A good drug dealer should know that the people they are taxing the shit out of are walking away from them saying "fuck him and his prices..i'm finding someone else" .
Now we all know that the customers aren''t going anywhere until they find a new connect. But from my experience selling. there is never consistancy either you get a bad batch and lose your peeps or your customers start getting paranoid about you and whether you're being watched. MAYBE it's just the people i deal with.
We all can't live in you're GANGSTA fantasy land. Kinda like your opinion on the Hippies pipedreams and delusions ... I WANT IT LEGAL SO I DON'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH GANGSTAS, THE MAN, AND SOME GET OVER TRYING TO CHARGE 20 A GRAM. this gangsta mentality has to stop.....seriously though ...i understand the codes people live by ..but suburban white boys have no place in that circle... mommy and daddy will pay for the lawyer. AND AS FOR YOU GANGSTA.. do what you do if thats what you like.. but don't put me on so i can keep buying ok weed from shitty dealers. I wanna grow my own and not have to peep out the window to see who's knocking on my door, because i have a 50/50 chance of it either being the cops, or A GANGSTA that saw me reading my book at work. at least if it were legal i could call the cops on the gangsta rather than going to his house and smashing his skull in.
Dude you're arguing with people who want and NEED this legalized....why are you arguing anyways ......if its still illegal where your at you have nothing to worry about. Well except for the man busting down your door, taking your shit, losing your job and having all your CUSTYS you're charging 100 a q for turn over on your ass. A good drug dealer should know that the people they are taxing the shit out of are walking away from them saying "fuck him and his prices..i'm finding someone else" .
Now we all know that the customers aren''t going anywhere until they find a new connect. But from my experience selling. there is never consistancy either you get a bad batch and lose your peeps or your customers start getting paranoid about you and whether you're being watched. MAYBE it's just the people i deal with.
We all can't live in you're GANGSTA fantasy land. Kinda like your opinion on the Hippies pipedreams and delusions ... I WANT IT LEGAL SO I DON'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH GANGSTAS, THE MAN, AND SOME GET OVER TRYING TO CHARGE 20 A GRAM. this gangsta mentality has to stop.....seriously though ...i understand the codes people live by ..but suburban white boys have no place in that circle... mommy and daddy will pay for the lawyer. AND AS FOR YOU GANGSTA.. do what you do if thats what you like.. but don't put me on so i can keep buying ok weed from shitty dealers. I wanna grow my own and not have to peep out the window to see who's knocking on my door, because i have a 50/50 chance of it either being the cops, or A GANGSTA that saw me reading my book at work. at least if it were legal i could call the cops on the gangsta rather than going to his house and smashing his skull in.
You sound very stupid and very gay! You better call the cops on a real gangster because you aint going to nobodys house and smashing no heads in. Ioo a quarter in FL is not a bad deal. You risk your ass and spend your money on real setups and grow some balls and see how much you charge! Its very stressful dealing with people like you and if you were my customer I would cut your ungreatfull ass off in a second! You no nothing about what your talking about!
You sound very stupid and very gay! You better call the cops on a real gangster because you aint going to nobodys house and smashing no heads in. Ioo a quarter in FL is not a bad deal. You risk your ass and spend your money on real setups and grow some balls and see how much you charge! Its very stressful dealing with people like you and if you were my customer I would cut your ungreatfull ass off in a second! You no nothing about what your talking about!

dude didn't you say you've been arrested 17 times? Apparently YOU are the one who has no idea what you're talking about, how do you get caught 17 times for something?! That is terrible! And meeting with LEO's that many times, I would say you're the more likely one to call the cops.. plea bargin much? And I was born in FL and still see cheaper than $100/q there.
dude didn't you say you've been arrested 17 times? Apparently YOU are the one who has no idea what you're talking about, how do you get caught 17 times for something?! That is terrible! And meeting with LEO's that many times, I would say you're the more likely one to call the cops.. plea bargin much? And I was born in FL and still see cheaper than $100/q there.
I an 33 years old and have been been in a life of crime since I was 12 so 17 times out of thousands of crimes is not bad. No pain no gain! If you got dank for less than 100 a quarter you dont know what good weed is. Who the fuck said I met with leos. You dont no shit about Fl or the game. Send some pics of your car,house, and other material things and I will send mine. I bet I make you look homeless you broke ass buster! Im the dude at the strip club drinking top shelf and getting vip while your drinking pitchers of chea beer and and hating on me. Im the guy fucking your girl you civilian bottom feeder! HAHAHAHA!
Its very stressful dealing with people like you and if you were my customer I would cut your ungreatfull ass off in a second! You no nothing about what your talking about!

You are quite possible the most ignorant person i have ever run across.
i personally dont give a shit about "prices" and "profit margins" and a "monopolization of marijuana". i just want to be able to smoke a joint in my own home without "breaking a law". as far as "competing w/ the government".......... i dont care. sorry people who grow for profit.....nothing against you but legaLIZATION IS WHAT IM HOPING FOR. PROFITS BE DAMNED!!! sorry caps was on........
i personally dont give a shit about "prices" and "profit margins" and a "monopolization of marijuana". i just want to be able to smoke a joint in my own home without "breaking a law". as far as "competing w/ the government".......... i dont care. sorry people who grow for profit.....nothing against you but legaLIZATION IS WHAT IM HOPING FOR. PROFITS BE DAMNED!!! sorry caps was on........
I understand y'alls point wanting it to be legal and you pissed me off the least because you did not call me ignorant. I would be ignorant if I SOLD CRACK BUT i SELL the peaceful herb and there is no violence relating to that. People dont kill and suck dick for weed. If you have ever done a real grow in the states and know the risk and cost you know you damn well deserve and better make a profit! It is ignorant to call me ignorant and acting like I have a meth lab. This is a political thread and if you cant see both sides you should not be involved! I did allot of jail time and spent allot of money to keep people smoking because like it or not weed is not legal and smokers need people like me. Your backing the same government that invented methadone to get people off heroin so they could get the money for a more addictive drug rather than the dope man. +rep for constructive beliefs.
I understand y'alls point wanting it to be legal and you pissed me off the least because you did not call me ignorant. I would be ignorant if I SOLD CRACK BUT i SELL the peaceful herb and there is no violence relating to that. People dont kill and suck dick for weed. If you have ever done a real grow in the states and know the risk and cost you know you damn well deserve and better make a profit! It is ignorant to call me ignorant and acting like I have a meth lab. This is a political thread and if you cant see both sides you should not be involved! I did allot of jail time and spent allot of money to keep people smoking because like it or not weed is not legal and smokers need people like me. Your backing the same government that invented methadone to get people off heroin so they could get the money for a more addictive drug rather than the dope man. +rep for constructive beliefs.

i didnt call anyone ignorant dude. relax, homie. and like i said i feel for growers ( i know ALOT of people who depend on their harvests to feed the kids too) thats just MY take on the whole scenario. thats all. love, peace, and chicken grease.
i didnt call anyone ignorant dude. relax, homie. and like i said i feel for growers ( i know ALOT of people who depend on their harvests to feed the kids too) thats just MY take on the whole scenario. thats all. love, peace, and chicken grease.

nah man he said your the only one who didnt
nah man he said your the only one who didnt
whats up home boy? You see the way theses people are hating on me? People should not subscribe to political threads unless they cant agree to disagree. One love my fellow debater!
I an 33 years old and have been been in a life of crime since I was 12 so 17 times out of thousands of crimes is not bad. No pain no gain! If you got dank for less than 100 a quarter you dont know what good weed is. Who the fuck said I met with leos. You dont no shit about Fl or the game. Send some pics of your car,house, and other material things and I will send mine. I bet I make you look homeless you broke ass buster! Im the dude at the strip club drinking top shelf and getting vip while your drinking pitchers of chea beer and and hating on me. Im the guy fucking your girl you civilian bottom feeder! HAHAHAHA!

lol.. you must be a real badass throwing everything about you online.

Sorry, uhm where I live we only get Cali medical weed, Canadian medical weed, or homegrown indoor local strains.. nah I don't know what good weed is. Last year we had weed from Amsterdam here as well.. nah, I have no clue, none whatsoever. When is the last time you smoked OG Kush, ECSD, Strawberry Cough, G13 Haze, GDP, Grape Ape, Purple Erkle, Purple Kush (SR71)? Probably never.

If you're paying $100/q in FL you better be getting some Bubba Kush, or Sensi Star, Kali Mist, etc.

I bolded the area that makes you sound like an informant... I won't be sending you shit.

I was born in the Bradenton area..

You sell weed... I have access to every commonly known substance, and most of the RC's that people know of (and then some). Don't talk about your VIP shit here son.
You sound very stupid and very gay! You better call the cops on a real gangster because you aint going to nobodys house and smashing no heads in. Ioo a quarter in FL is not a bad deal. You risk your ass and spend your money on real setups and grow some balls and see how much you charge! Its very stressful dealing with people like you and if you were my customer I would cut your ungreatfull ass off in a second! You no nothing about what your talking about!

I would never buy anything from someone like you. You're a dime a dozen and can be spotted from a mile away from the way you talk. I'll bet you sit around and talk shit to your customers telling them that you stay makin money and how much of a baller you are. DIMEAFCKIN DOZEN! Btw while your in the stripclub drinking top shelf. I've already pissed in your drink banged the stripper and smoking on some of the shit i grew. And it didn't cost me 100 a q or a visit to a dickface in a throwback.
This is only taking into consideration the pot we grow or produce... half of our weed is homegrown. the rest imoported illegally. This weed that is imported is complete garbage seed infested trash that costs nothing to produce and sells for like 600 a lb. This is the weed that you smoked when you were 13 folks. All of that weed is not helping us. We need to grow more of our own high quality shit and cut out the mexicans and canadians. Their mass produced weed sucks. Canada weed is beasters btw not nearly as bad.
of course legalize it :)

ya! back on topic - i don't think the police officers involved have ever really enjoyed the destruction of young people's lives - or putting the hurt on adults for that matter - it is just their job - that is why i have been pretty enthusiastic over the LEAP program within the law enforcement agencies themselves - look it up if you haven't heard Law Enforcement Against Prohibition - they can really help bring reason to this politically motivated set of laws.. i have been spared trouble with police on a number of occasions as a young man and i believe it was their own kindheartedness, so i respect their actual views on these public health and safety issues.. this may be just in my neck of the woods, but the fact remains that someone needs to spread the truth to everyone about marijuana specifically - the truth will bring tolerance, understanding and a simple set of rules... :bigjoint:
really,, idiotioc huh...people die over large weed deal cause its illegal......
drug cartels run illegal drugs, they dont want it legal,,, YOU DONT WANT IT LEGAL,,,ALL ABOARD

I'm going to have to agree with that. Growing and selling weed is honest work. It only gets shady because it's illegal.

Having it become legal may lose you money but might save your freedom. Which is more important to you?


For all those people out there who think if it's legal big business will take over and there will no longer be a place for them in the business:

You're right. If you have that kind of attitude it'll be a self fulfilling prophecy. You have to find a way to make it happen for yourself. If you just give up and accept that you're going to be screwed you will every time. While you guys are doing that I'm going to keep preparing for my own place in the legal cannabis business.
Ok, it's VERY obvious that drug cartels LOVE it being illegal because their profit margins are so much higher. Mexican officials themselves have told the U.S. to try to legalize marijuana in order to limit the Mexican cartel's. It's a very well known issue. Mexico's chief drug lord says he LOVES its illegal and would hate it to be legal as a lot of their profit would dry up.

Even if you could argue a few negatives for legalization, the positives FAR OUTWEIGH the negatives. If you are truly someone who wants to do best for the country, and not thinking selfishly for self-profit, then you should support legalization. We don't need the safety police saying everything we can and cannot do. Think about all the industries that would open up even if HEMP (not marijuana) was legal. That alone would be a huge benefit, and I think that'd be even a smaller difference than full marijuana legalization.

If drugs are expensive, now people have to cheat and steal to get money for those drugs. If they're expensive, it'll also be a very competitive market, making it more dangerous. If drugs are cheap, dealers make nothing, and will have to move on to something that does make money. (Most likely another illegal drug)
If they were to legilize marijuana in the US ( that is were im talking about) The government would be creating a new REGULATED market. This means that you would be able to go to the gas station, or coffea shop or whatever and buy pot like beer. WHO CAN COMPETE WITH PERFECTLY ROLLD UP DOOBYS OF THE BEST SHIT???? CAN YOU???...... didnt thiknk so.....anyways back on track.

Right now about 80% of the cash earned by businesses in the US from retail sales comes from money that came from marijuana in one way or another. legilize it and about 90% of that money would dissapear meaning stores would close down, go out of business, people would go into debt, CHAOS.

Marijuana creates one of the biggest unregulated markets in the country with some 55MILLION people involved including people liek me and you. In a sense marijuana feuls america everyday. what do marijuana dealers do with the money they make???? THEY BUY SHIT, RANDOM SHIT CARS, BOATS, HOUSES, STOCKS, INVESTMENT, AND EVERYDAY THINGS FOOD, CLOTHS, GAS, HEALTH CARE PRODUCTS!! take this money, or market away from america and I think 60% of businesses would SIVEARLY suffer or all together shutdown. Alot of people would go crazy.

Decriminalization is a drastically different approach. If it were ever to happen, then think about it "all the users of your site could continue what they do everyday" the US continues to flourish like it does today except on average 185,000 people every year would be spared from jail, and we would save enough money from not having to house, feed, and jail these "criminals" (pot smokers, sellers) to bring our country out of this recession. Not to mention the millions we would save every year going after "weed criminals"

There would be millions and billions of dollars to spair for our coutry to use for valuable resources such as healthcare, military, and police for the REAL DRUGS cocaine, heroin, ect.


If it is decriminalize marijuana to smoke, you still cant leagaly grow it. The idea that perfect blunts will over throw the local growers is a joke. everyone wants tax free marijuana. Fighting the "real war on drugs" is a noble idea, to bad the real importers are the government. Not only do they make huge profts, but imprisoning the people has become a very profitable buisness. Even if marijuana is out right legalized, the majority of americans wont grow it for them selfs. How many people do you see farming their own food? Some major suppliers would end up in gass stations, but every person in america could start their own buisness. At that point the economy would grow
I'm going to have to agree with that. Growing and selling weed is honest work. It only gets shady because it's illegal.

Having it become legal may lose you money but might save your freedom. Which is more important to you?


For all those people out there who think if it's legal big business will take over and there will no longer be a place for them in the business:

You're right. If you have that kind of attitude it'll be a self fulfilling prophecy. You have to find a way to make it happen for yourself. If you just give up and accept that you're going to be screwed you will every time. While you guys are doing that I'm going to keep preparing for my own place in the legal cannabis business.
Fckn right on!!:fire: