Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid


your WAY the f*ck out there from me!

well, just make plans to come up this summer if ive got my shit setup and get some clonage!
i like that idea of just having a nursery but i hear the feds tend to mess with cloners a lot more rather than dispensaries that dont deal with selling plants. hopefully this will ease up in the future with the new bill and all and the feds will get more lax about it. im definitely an entrepreneur always looking for investments and new ideas to get stuff going. i've been looking for parters for the past year but no one really committed enough to want to work and trust my business with really. im definitely down to partner up on something worthwhile in the future

i live in SF and from that you're saying that martian sounds like the shit! ive got some ridiculous chem dog genetics that are unlike any ive ever seen. this friggen plant grew twice as fast as any other plant ive grown and i've yet to find a way to hurt it! this is definitely a WEED! ive done tests given it bad water and over fert and overwatered/underwatered and stuck clones straight in dirt and the list goes on this plant is STRONG! id love to cross this with a really nice indica like bubba kush or perhaps your martian?!?!?! that would be the shit. the only downside is its an 11-12 weeker but the buds are seriously potent and because it vegges so fast you can start flowering much earlier! check out the buds in my avatar this plant pumps out tops like that with ease and that pic is only week 7 and its over 7 feet tall! the rest of my plants are around 3-4 ft to gage how fast it grew. i smoke everyday due to medical conditions and i would smoke this stuff everyday without gaining tolerance and i gain a tolerance for strains REALLY fast. after a day or two of hitting the ceiling of super silver haze a couple hours later i wont really get high.
same thing with me. im a daily also, and the PM is the exact same way. ive got a group of bros who are also 215 and we get together every once in awhile and medicate. i gave one of my bros about 2 grams of the PM, and a coupe days later i saw him. now you have to realize this guy smokes DANK shit, and smokes it like i smoke cigarettes. well, when i saw him he grabbed me and said "SHEEEEEEAAAAT man!.....WFT are the genetics to that PM?" he said " usually i smoke several grams a day, about a gram an hour or so. i smoked a gram of that PM, and was wiped out all day." he said " i had to cut that shit back to about 1/4 to 1/2 gram each time i smoke, and it lasts me about 3 hours compared to about an hour and a half of the shit i get".....anyway, you just got to know this guy and the others. these guys are my age, and have been growing and smoking as long as me, but smoking MUCH heavier, so for him to say that is a major compliment . he's been all over the world and smoked some of the best shit out there. also, the PM is more of a social functioning high. you can function, and when you come down, its nice and easy without any tiredness. great stuff. if we get together, bring your 215 and ill hook you up with a few grams and you can check it out. you WILL NOT be disappointed. be sure though you smoke it either when you get home or plan on staying awhile...LOL
the only people legalizing really hurts are the dealers who are only out there to make tons of easy cash.
not people who grow for themselves or any of the like.
o and to oldmanpot
im in norcal also chico area.
if they legalize it more people will smoke it which means more people will buy it which means dealers will be making more.
not really. most people are smart enough to grow their own, right in their garden, or at least smart enough to get some from a friend who grows it. furthermore, with the county clause in there, i believe that most counties will be growing their own to sell. eventually youll be able to walk into pot stores like liquor stores and buy anything you like for a fraction of what an illegal dealer would charge.
not really. most people are smart enough to grow their own, right in their garden, or at least smart enough to get some from a friend who grows it. furthermore, with the county clause in there, i believe that most counties will be growing their own to sell. eventually youll be able to walk into pot stores like liquor stores and buy anything you like for a fraction of what an illegal dealer would charge.

you would think this, yet all those medical card holders who are allowed to grow still go buy pot at the clubs.
a lot of card holders are either too old or too sick to be gardening though.. my county does not allow dispensaries at this time and says that it is fine for old and sick people to drive 50 miles to get their medicine every time.. and they do it.. people are also far more afraid of growing than buying small amounts.. nobody really knows who is gonna get their door kicked in for a medical grow.. and sometimes you have people who can't know like loved ones and neighbors who would shit all over you if they knew..
we need to fully legalize if nothing else, just so that all of the sick people who want or need it can have access to it discreetly.. again - if you cannot have your job or family or anyone finding out that you smoke then it would be quite difficult to even get a card and find access to weed - much more so to grow it..
legal or illegal?
they both have there pros and cons.
legal it has pros for the sick and for me cause here i can smoke almost everywhere (in front of police) without feeling tense.
On the other hand i see where it would hurt the dealers.
you would think this, yet all those medical card holders who are allowed to grow still go buy pot at the clubs.

the people who i know who buy at the dispensaries still grow their own, and either buy at the dispensaries for a variety of different highs and flavors, or buy because they "overshared" and are out until THEIR crop comes in...
the people who i know who buy at the dispensaries still grow their own, and either buy at the dispensaries for a variety of different highs and flavors, or buy because they "overshared" and are out until THEIR crop comes in...

i've been medical for over 6 years now. i come into contact with a lot of "legal" people. most of them do not grow. my neighbor tried for several years as she watched my garden over the fence. she finally gave up and straight up gave me her yard. we split the what comes from that side of the fence. she leaves me alone to do my thing, in turn we both end up happy.

some people just aren't very good at growing. they don't have the time or place or knowledge. i see people on here all day who struggle and they have their hearts in it. a lot of people "just want to smoke a joint". they really don't want to get involved with the whole growing thing.

it's hard to see this when you are on a "growing forum". it seems everyone would just grow. in real life though, it just doesn't work that way.
well, i have to agree with you there. i have seen some brown thumbs in my time. ive always been fortunate i guess, everything i touch turns green...LOL......

i just spent the last 1/2 hour + putting my girls (48+) outsidce to soak up some of that gorgeous sun today. i wish our weather was to the point i could just LEAVE them out, but when my squash and watermelons are still frosting overnight, i think ill wait...LOL!.
I hear you on that, I'd be putting my ladies outside, and saving on lights and air conditioning, but I live in the middle of the ghetto, or my town's version of a ghetto, walking distance from the jail.
no matter what they do just grow it yerself i aint paying NO BODY to have anything. taxes? im, sick of being taxed for everything, r u not? so they aint getting shit. unless some is too lazy to put a pot in their kitchen.