Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid

i'm tired of going to prison. 4 prisons,2 states, 11 years......all i want is to smoke my meds, self medicate, and live a legal life.leaglalize it. i'm 55 yr old and tired of being an out-law
ya'll have all proved alot of good points on this subject... all i know is that i AM the lil man who simply wants to grow his own... medicinaly or recreationally, either would be better than what i have to deal with in the bible belt... hell, even if we went medicinal, i got alot of shit going on mentally from being in baghdad for a year, so i am pretty sure i could find something that would qualify me for medicinal use and a medicinal card... who knows.. i think it is awesome, that at least one state realizes it is not bad... i just wish the rest would catch on with it...
Legalize, because that's the way it should be. If you had a choice between Budweiser, or a Micro Brew which would you chose? There will always be a market for dank weed, nobody is going to want Camel Weed. It will be laced with addictive chemicals.
exactly...its like freedom isnt free... we paid for it with years of stupid ass pot laws... now its time to cash in on our beloved plant.. we have dealt with shit long enough....
It's going to be interesting to see what happens in CA if any of the propositions pass in 2010. I'm afraid that it will quickly lead to major corporations producing packs of joints the way they do cigarettes now, and completely push out the small growers. It would make it very inexpensive compared to prices now when it's mostly illegal, but it would put a lot of people out of work.
Some people have already started a corporation and they're selling stock on the penny markets, and that corporation is dedicated to taking over a big part of the market as soon as it's legal somewhere. They're buying thousands of acres of land so they can produce it the way wheat and corn are now produced for the big food companies. They don't care where it goes legal first, but they're betting on CA to be first of course. It's just an indication of what will happen if it's completely legal. I don't think any of us can predict exactly what will occur, and we certainly can't control it, but it doesn't look good for every day growers to be able to make a living once it's legal.
I'm sorry but I completely disagree with you, brother. I don't believe that the US economy is as dependent on cannabis as you would think. There's not THAT many people out there profiting on it. There are, but not in comparison to the rest of the people who still contribute to the economy but don't make their money from ganja.

Also, you have to understand that if MARIJUANA is legalized, so will be INDUSTRIAL HEMP. Anybody who has been smoking for a good amount of time undoubtedly knows the economic advantages of industrial hemp! If anything, an economic upset would result from hemp being able to replace so many industries in the United States. I think that's an economic overturn that I could stand to live with. I'll deal with economic upset if it means that one day we'll be wearing hemp clothes, writing on hemp paper with pens made of hemp plastic, and driving cars which run on hemp biomass fuel. Call me stupid, but I'd vote for legalization.
ya.. this thread is a bit agitating.. whenever a group fails to properly tax their local consumer base properly we will get bad problems.. we need to make the financial correction of benefiting from our most used products..

i don't know why people have to be such sticks in the proverbial mud when it comes to legalizing pot - weren't we in the same high school halls? don't people have any perspective what is the right thing to do versus what they have been told is correct? i know people who smoke every day, but they still don't support legalization...... they keep saying it makes people 'lazy' and that we need to find a pill replacement for pot.. that MS patients need their regular drugs.. they see medi-pot fliers left on high school students cars as a big problem.. :( they will just have to wake up when our state, CA, totally legalizes next year...!!!
ya.. this thread is a bit agitating.. whenever a group fails to properly tax their local consumer base properly we will get bad problems.. we need to make the financial correction of benefiting from our most used products..

i don't know why people have to be such sticks in the proverbial mud when it comes to legalizing pot - weren't we in the same high school halls? don't people have any perspective what is the right thing to do versus what they have been told is correct? i know people who smoke every day, but they still don't support legalization...... they keep saying it makes people 'lazy' and that we need to find a pill replacement for pot.. that MS patients need their regular drugs.. they see medi-pot fliers left on high school students cars as a big problem.. :( they will just have to wake up when our state, CA, totally legalizes next year...!!!

I hope your right!
it's moving right ahead.. we have the senate bill from Ammiano and now one of our voter initiatives has enough votes to be on the ballot.. we know california is like 60% pro pot.. i have a lot of faith this will happen by 2011..!
It's for the state of California. It's for full legalization. And polling data indicates it'll pass.

its another voter prop. that will be on the next ballot. so if you live in CA make sure you vote for it! all the info is in my avatar pic.

i was part of the gathering of signatures, we got over 3100 just in my area, and close to 22,000 in the San Diego area....

soon it wont matter where you live in CA, but some of the best bud will always come from humboldt area.
i don't understand...? why don't you guys just support AB390?? it is a MUCH better proposal than this huge compromise of having 28 grams and 5 feet of garden area.. are you on the side of the conservative punishers? i want pot to be treated like it is safer than alcohol...!!
I'm starting to get a sense from watching the news that the feds are welcoming medical mj all of the sudden in response to the problem with mexican gangs and the killings and stuff. Recently I saw a quote from one mexican drug dealing source which said their profits were down 40% since medical came on strong in some places.

Nothing else either government has done including killing or locking up everyone they can made any dent at all, but we already did in a huge way.

It's the same thing that stopped alcohol prohibition. It wasn't how unjust it was that made it legal again it was the insane amounts of violence and killing which forced their hand imho.
It really doesnt matter if u want it to or not. Were talking huge profit here if its legalized, more studies, more innovations. its all around better to legalize it. Then all these highschool kids wont think its so cool nd giving weed a bad name. ;)
yep - i have often thought that the prohibition creates an atmosphere where kids want to try drugs.. the propaganda hypes up the idea - "don't press the colorful clown shaped button!! don't do it ever - it is right there in front of you, but it is bad!" now - who are today's kids going to listen to? the cops? the government? who even presented the idea to them in the first place that it was an option for them? remember the Butt-Out Southpark episode? the creepy, lame anti-smoking campaign put the idea in the boys' heads to smoke.. that is why pot needs to be legal like alcohol so that the real truth can come out as plain facts - pot is non-addictive, pot has great medicinal value, pot does not cause cancer/emphysema/COPD like cigarettes, pot does not trash your body like alcohol, etc, etc, etc....

weed is the safe, resposible alternative to booze, cigs, and harder drugs!
well one thing is true for users.. legalization is the way to go... my state isnt even medicinal.... i cant imagine it being legal... be awesome...
california needs to blaze the proper path with tax and regulation..!! no 1 oz limits though - you really want people still harassed by the cops over a few joints? we need to conserve that expenditure for real crime..!!