Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid

I live in San Diego and I had an interesting conversation with a friend who is also legal under Prop 215. He said that $50 medical grade here in San Diego sells for $75 in Tijuana. A $25 profit is only across the border on an 8th. It's not even legal yet and the fuckin cartels are already losing business.
I know here in tx they are, they're having a problem getting in the weight they used to with the "terrorist watch" (despite the fact that the terrorist from the 9/11 came from canada, whose border we don't seem to think much on as a threat) I think its going to drive more people to door indoor grows to meet the increasing demands...
Legalization would destroy our economy further? And where the fuck are you getting these figures? bogus... Legalization will save this country, dont be ignorant.
Federal rescheduling would benefit the economy. State legalization does nothing for the federal economy. At best legalization is a crap shoot for helping the local economy, unless they can secure some fluctuating taxes.

California is simply scared that with all the MMJ action elsewhere that they will get out competed in the not-so-distant future and lose their cash cow.
Federal rescheduling would benefit the economy. State legalization does nothing for the federal economy. At best legalization is a crap shoot for helping the local economy, unless they can secure some fluctuating taxes.

California is simply scared that with all the MMJ action elsewhere that they will get out competed in the not-so-distant future and lose their cash cow.

There is no such thing as a "Federal economy", but I assume you mean the free market or Federal taxes. If you mean Federal taxes, you're right, Cali's legalization of marijuana will not provide for Federal taxes. But Cali's legalization is a huge battle to win in this fight. It's not the only battle. If Prop 19 fails because we vote it down, that would be like Grant conceding to Lee at Appomattox. If Prop 19 passes, other states will follow suit, and then the Feds will fall in line as well.
There is no such thing as a "Federal economy", but I assume you mean the free market or Federal taxes. If you mean Federal taxes, you're right, Cali's legalization of marijuana will not provide for Federal taxes. But Cali's legalization is a huge battle to win in this fight. It's not the only battle. If Prop 19 fails because we vote it down, that would be like Grant conceding to Lee at Appomattox. If Prop 19 passes, other states will follow suit, and then the Feds will fall in line as well.

When I say Federal I mean "Nation". This is a federal state after all. And when I say economy I mean the REAL economy. The people that have jobs and pay income taxes. Not fruitless taxes on goods themselves. If you tax the goods people will find something else. I'm against irrational taxes. This tax is irrational. If we let California get Prop 19 and it's taxes on the book. We can rest assured this will be out the door like tobacco - give it 20 years.
The only part of what you said that I could agree with is vote for decriminalization. Actually, that's not even the right course, outright legalization is what we need.

From the instant I read your statement "How can you compete with perfectly rolled doobies"; I could tell that you had just watched the documentary, The Union: The Business Behind Getting High. It is a great documentary and I recommend it to anyone whether they smoke or not.

Honestly though, what are you talking about? Anyone can compete with that if they're growing for personal use. However if one is growing to sell, no, of course they couldn't compete with factories making "Perfectly rolled doobies". The "doobie" quote and the examples you gave of dealers buying houses, boats, cars etc. was taken from a portion of The Union, where they were interviewing 2 former growers/sellers. Point being, unless you're a seller, what is there to compete with???? Your statement made no sense at all.

If the government legalized Marijuana, along with that would be hemp, which has a thousand uses. It's a 2 time a year annual crop which can be grown in virtually any state, creating jobs for farmers nation wide, farmers need equipment, equipment needs repairs, the final product has to be shipped, we would add a new export rather than importing hemp, new factories would need to open to process the hemp seeds, hurds, etc.

I strongly advise that you watch The Union a couple more times (maybe sober this go around) and check out a little book titled "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" written by the late Jack Herer. Your vision is blurred my friend. You may think arguments like this will help the cause, but you're actually doing more harm than good.
Its 2010 and the only reason its not legalized today is ALL the people that smoke it ( for fun or for med ) sits around bitching about whos going to make money off it or some other crap and not out voteing for it. Go fight the Government not each other. So get off your butt get out and do something about it.
There would be millions and billions of dollars to spair for our coutry to use for valuable resources such as healthcare, military, and police for the REAL DRUGS cocaine, heroin, ect.

That's a romantic notion. . . . but I don't think any government is ever going to have " spare " money, I don't even think any government is ever going to be debt free. How can they be?
Anyway, this voting and democracy is all bullshit. They only give the people what they want to give them, you can only vote on the things that they give you option to vote on.
What about ALL the stuff that goes on behind closed doors that never written down or never talked about in public. What about the people that are REALLY controlling global politics. Do you really believe that the prime ministers, presidents and governors that are in such open view are really in charge? I don't think so my-self. MONEY is in controll, money has a direct influence on the policies of every country.
These situations seem very tricky to me. Civilization and peoples in society need some kind of order, some kind of guidance. But who is going to give out the orders? Why should you be the boss instead of me?
Can of worms!
So, the author of this thread.. is pretty much saying that everyone that votes FOR it.. is stupid? LMAO.. lame and immature.

I'll vote for it if I so please.. its called a free country for a reason.

I'm a registered voter.. and if I want to vote to legalize it.. than that's just what the fuck I'm gonna do.


Saying "do not vote for legalization, or you are stupid" is really immature.

What if I say.. "Everyone that votes against legalizing it, is stupid."? It's the same thing...

Let people vote however they want to.. I mean.. its not like your going to have much influence on someones decision to vote 'yes' or 'no'.
Especially me.. I've already decided that I'm going to vote for "legalizing" it.

We've been wanting and pushing to get it legalized for a LONG ass time now.. and now that we have the possibility of doing so.. everyone's going crazy trying to get people NOT TO vote for it. Doesn't make much sense to me..

Make up your minds.. ;)

again, I say 'YES'. Legalize it.. get it over with.

That's my 2cents on the subject..

That's a romantic notion. . . . but I don't think any government is ever going to have " spare " money, I don't even think any government is ever going to be debt free. How can they be?

Tell that to Andrew Jackson :)
Dear Andrew Jackson, all your ideals, dreams and aspirations for this country being for and by the people will be crushed, bribed, corrupted, twisted, misrepresented, sold, and generally whored out to Corporations and "special interest" groups. And they did it with money they borrowed from other countries. Sleep well...sleep well.
= Yours Truly,
Im gonna be "stupid" I am for Prop 19 and against prohibition. I am against Mexican Gangsters Killing Children over marijuana. There is no time to wait. TO much innocent bloodshed. But if or when u get in a pinch....dont wish for Prop 19...if u voted against.. If voting against it...DONT CONSUME IT...thats hypocritical. You wish to keep it illegal so obey the law johnny citizen. Do whats right .......RIIIGHHHTTTTT. Remember, VOTING HAS CONSEQUENCES...SOME THAT MAY OR WILL BE SHED IN INNOCENT BLOOD...ITS OKAY no if it makes you feel important, or that better of an american......

Peace, Love, and Happiness