Do plants go hermi if unharvested?

hobo jack

I tryed posting this in the newb section (with no replys :cry:) so I thought I might get an answer in the harvesting forum:

I read here, that plants that are left to flower about 10-14 days longer then usual will go hermi I couldn't find any evidence for this when i googled the matter. That is why I wanted to ask if this is really the case?

Also if this is true could i harvest the plant's buds and leave the rest to hermi afterwards? or would i have to leave a few buds on for it to survive?

P.s. the reason I need to know this is because i need to hermi an auto flowering jock horror so i can get pollen for seed production, it's my first grow.


Active Member
Why not just turn the lights on for an hour in the middle of the night period? That should hermie it within a week or so. I don't think it's a guarantee that buds will hermie if left to die.


Well-Known Member
You can force a branch to go hermie by covering it with a black bag at odd hours of lights on. I wouldn't leave an entire crop to go hermie. You just need enough pollen to pollenate a couple of branches on the next grow.

hobo jack

Why not just turn the lights on for an hour in the middle of the night period? That should hermie it within a week or so. I don't think it's a guarantee that buds will hermie if left to die.
I'm not sure if that light method would work because they are autoflowering plants therefore lightcycles shouldn't really have an effect :confused:.

i could just go crazy with the plants watering it with vinigar solution to mess up ph, high stress training and so on, but the hermie after buding seems like a better alternative if it were to be legit :-| espeshaly if i could harvest a few buds beforehand (it's a small grow under a roof window)

You can force a branch to go hermie by covering it with a black bag at odd hours of lights on. I wouldn't leave an entire crop to go hermie. You just need enough pollen to pollenate a couple of branches on the next grow.
you think the light method would work for autoflowering aswell?


Well-Known Member
leave it unharvested for too long buds will start to brown and will be filled with hermie seeds.... ive done it on my first grow. buds lost all potency.
...herm seeds are female, but are real sensitve, and will herm if stressed........ thats what happened too me........ but what do i know?????

hobo jack

leave it unharvested for too long buds will start to brown and will be filled with hermie seeds.... ive done it on my first grow. buds lost all potency.
...herm seeds are female, but are real sensitve, and will herm if stressed........ thats what happened too me........ but what do i know?????
thanks for the info, so the seeds are female but poor genetics :(


Well-Known Member
If you collected pollen after it hermied and then pollenated another plant that is only a couple weeks into flowering then you would have feminized seeds. But if you are trying to hermie it soo it will pollenate itself then they will be herminized seeds. If you are trying to hermie is by leaving it too long, then you have no chance of getting any seeds off of that plant. Seeds take weeks to mature soo waiting for the plant to hermie is not going to work

hobo jack

If you collected pollen after it hermied and then pollenated another plant that is only a couple weeks into flowering then you would have feminized seeds. But if you are trying to hermie it soo it will pollenate itself then they will be herminized seeds. If you are trying to hermie is by leaving it too long, then you have no chance of getting any seeds off of that plant. Seeds take weeks to mature soo waiting for the plant to hermie is not going to work
What if i left the plant to hermie collected the pollen store it away, grow my last few seeds wait till they flower use the pollen I collected from the hermied plant and pollinate the flowers, would that work to get healthy fem seeds?


Well-Known Member
What if i left the plant to hermie collected the pollen store it away, grow my last few seeds wait till they flower use the pollen I collected from the hermied plant and pollinate the flowers, would that work to get healthy fem seeds?
Yes that is your best option