Active Member
other than to just let everyone vent spleen at their scapegoat of choice?
is it all just penis measuring or does some sort of effective dialogue/dialectic emerge from this great volume of [virtual] hot air? who's actually modified their "position" or openly accepted "the other's" point of view? is all this getting worked-up and pissy at all fun? are these "political" threads perhaps really just the sparks of cultural friction or, (as much as one cares to generalize to the extent that i seem to be doing here), are they substantively informative on issues that are of functional concern to one's person and the well-being of the state?
i suppose that, in so much as we require the necessary evil of government, the myopic pettiness of people 'must' have its vociferously spoken say in how its institutions are conducted... but to what extent do any of these "arguments" have a productive impact on the body politic? and if, as i'm obviously tending toward leading, there's very little (if any) purpose served, why bother to spend the time/energy on them?
in short, if one really cares that much, shouldn't one be getting involved in the actual political process rather than just bitching about it?

is it all just penis measuring or does some sort of effective dialogue/dialectic emerge from this great volume of [virtual] hot air? who's actually modified their "position" or openly accepted "the other's" point of view? is all this getting worked-up and pissy at all fun? are these "political" threads perhaps really just the sparks of cultural friction or, (as much as one cares to generalize to the extent that i seem to be doing here), are they substantively informative on issues that are of functional concern to one's person and the well-being of the state?
i suppose that, in so much as we require the necessary evil of government, the myopic pettiness of people 'must' have its vociferously spoken say in how its institutions are conducted... but to what extent do any of these "arguments" have a productive impact on the body politic? and if, as i'm obviously tending toward leading, there's very little (if any) purpose served, why bother to spend the time/energy on them?
in short, if one really cares that much, shouldn't one be getting involved in the actual political process rather than just bitching about it?