Do ppl still PH test ?

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Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
i have always called it dominican hospital. I didn't even know about that other stuff. Interesting
As far as I know dominican has been called dominican since it was built (or expanded) in the 60's, but there were a couple other hospitals around (Maybe just one, I know for sure Community Hospital was there until a couple decades ago but I could have sworn there were more) for a while that domincan later bought and turned into other stuff. This all could be wrong, it's just based on my memories which are, to be honest, shakey at best. I would have been a home birth if it didn't seem like suicide to home-deliver a close to 12lb baby.


Well-Known Member
12 lb's holy shit man!
I was very close to being born at scotts valley med. from Ben lomand originally.
Yeah dude, i had no idea about those other buildings/hospital that dominican aquired in 1990. I just looked it up. Anyways, i've lived and grown all over the 831. Yes, even Salinas, and that kid is a fucking idiot.
Oh yeah, btw, my daughter was born in our home up on summit at the time. Cool shit. Kind of. Scary shit though(for me)
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