do rolling papers have fire retardant chemicals?


New Member
I've been alright, just up here in north Dakota drillin that crude. Anyway, I ask because I went to a tobacco shop today and bought some American Spirit "roll your own" tobacco, which comes with the papers. I don't want to be smoking chemicals though


Well-Known Member
Good stuff man, glad shits working out.

I smoke cigarettes. I know, I know, horrible things but honestly bud you prob breath in more shit walking through town. I say blaze up :)


New Member
lol I was just talking to my bro today about how many PPM of crap we probably breathe here. If I can't have my herb, I'd enjoy an occasional cigarette. But only with ORGANIC tobacco and natural additive-free rollies


Well-Known Member
lol I was just talking to my bro today about how many PPM of crap we probably breathe here. If I can't have my herb, I'd enjoy an occasional cigarette. But only with ORGANIC tobacco and natural additive-free rollies
Jeez, what happened to you? Organic! You used to be cool :) I kid, good on you.


Well-Known Member
Haha, I cant stand the American spirits.. I smoke reds so I really cant say much about additive free


New Member
the tobacco I bought came with some American spirit papers. I rolled a cig and it went out by itself about halfway through, so I thought hmm...hope it doesn't contain that carpet glue chemical. I've also got an old pack of zig zags in my wallet


Well-Known Member
I don't think they would, wasn't the main reason for adding the shit to cigs to try and prevent some of the 'accidental' fires?


New Member
well, I smoked 3 cigs today and I think I'm done now...for good. I quit. lol. The only reason I bought tobacco is because I wanna smoke herb but I get drug tested for I figured I'd enjoy some tobacco. WRONG lol. the first few gave me a wicked head rush/buzz...and after that last one, I felt sick to my stomach like I'm gonna puke. no more...that was dumb and pointless


Active Member
i've always felt bad for tobacco, I mean our kind took it mass produced with shitty quality and harmful chemicals. I've met plenty of cannabis advocates that bash on cigarettes and smokers, but I am sure tobacco has medicinal value (all plants do, in one way or another) and some people home grow their stuff and i bet they enjoy a good smoke.


New Member
tobacco has been shown to be medicinal when you apply the leaves to your skin. I forget what exactly this is for, maybe bug bites?...I'm guessing, if I remember correctly...after all, tobacco is related to plantain and those leaves are great for bug bites, acne, etc.


Active Member
I use papyrus papers often (best papers I've ever smoked) which are 100% hemp, but they often go out if i don't hit it for even Lik 30secs, but always light right back up perfectly with out lighting the whole thing on fire nd burnin half away. If yur using hemp, rice or any other natural paper I doubt it but with the regular paper papers like tops and stuff idk, they burn awfully fast to have a fire retardant like cigarettes. May I add that cigs wen they first made em fire retardant, they wud go out if not hit. But now a days my cigs are constantly burnin all the way away wen I don't pay attention even though they are "FSC".


New Member
Maybe this article is of some use...

^from above: " If a paper is burned as a test, the ash it produces should be very small in quantity and a uniform light gray color. Dark ash suggests that the paper may contain contaminants"

more people need to listen to this. zig zag blues should be illegal. silver package zig zag if you can, otherwise try to get unbleached.

stop using juicy jays, or any other of those gross, horse blanket papers. theyre bleached (to make them white) and they make your weed taste like shit. also, they fail and ash test horribly.

buy a RAW, unbleached (brown) paper and try the ash test out with that... youll be surprised. then roll a joint and experience what your bud is really supposed to taste like!!