Do roots grow out more or down more?

piney bob

Active Member
Pro mix is not the only type of soil roots grow in. I give my girls about a 7-10 gallon hole that is wider toward the surface to hold my fertilizer and promote early root development. Then just let the roots that stretch out looking for water fend for themselves. let nature take over in other words.


Well-Known Member
The fluctuation from spring to middle of summer will be wxtreme though No? We have surface water in spring snowmelt but then dry as a bone in summer.
Is yours different than ours? Water table I mean! We have to make a mound to plant trees because if the roots go deep and the water rises it's sayanarra baby!!
im planting just off of a small river that some beavers have damed up so the level is always the same all year long. i found a spot just off the stream around a corner behind some trees then its a nice open space 20'x40' this is the first year ill be using this location so I guess we will see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
im planting just off of a small river that some beavers have damed up so the level is always the same all year long. i found a spot just off the stream around a corner behind some trees then its a nice open space 20'x40' this is the first year ill be using this location so I guess we will see how it goes.
That sounds frikking awsome. I think I would enjoy that style of growing better as it would eliminate a lot of conflict between two different lifestyles
I hope you update us on that! So...hearing what you have, which way you leaning...deepor wide or both?


Well-Known Member
That sounds frikking awsome. I think I would enjoy that style of growing better as it would eliminate a lot of conflict between two different lifestyles
I hope you update us on that! So...hearing what you have, which way you leaning...deepor wide or both?
South fork of the Kern river had a beaver dam on it and we stripped down and swam with the beavers. Some of us with one hand protecting their parts
We were on mescaline. that's the shit I did back then, when the prom came around me and the crew would hit the desert and parte


Have any of you tried 'deep watering'? My son does it with deep waterers(made for trees). They now have them available at Home Depot whereas before we had to get them at the irrigation supply store. Since we've (my ex and I) have been in the landscape installation biz for over 30 years we have installed many irrigation systems...of all types. The deep waterers are pretty amazing for seedling plants, especially. Puts water directly down into the bottom of your holes without having to filter it's way down. So, you irrigate normally on top and then deep water maybe once a week. Check it might like to experiment with a plant or two. They come in 1', 24" and 3' lengths.


Well-Known Member
Roots growth depends a bit on the amount of water you give it. If you water a marijuana plant less often, and more water, it will cause the plant to develop very deep roots. Plants that receive a little water almost every day, the roots will tend to be more towards the top of the soil. I dig my holes 2 feet deep and 2 feet wide. My "monster" plants are usually put in something like 3 foot deep and 4 foot wide holes. I would say they grow out slightly wider then deeper.