do seeds have better yield than clone

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Well-Known Member
Yeah and if you had bothered to read the whole thread you would have found that i had already answered that question properly in the first page.
And to answer your next lot of childish posts i.e."I though you weren't going to post into this thread anymore."
I've heard it all before,bored,why don't you all go make some fake accounts and give yourselves some +rep,bwhahahahabongsmilie
Sry nat, you have me confused with some other "child." I've had this acct since 2007 (around the same time as you) and I've never had another one. I didn't mean to argue you, in fact I've seen your threads in the past and I know you're an awesome grower. I love how you did the sponge airstone thing in soil. And yes I read the whole thread. :roll:


Well-Known Member
You make a good point. I personally prefer dealing with seedlings also, but in terms of yield and efficiency, clones can be more productive with rotating harvests, etc. Al B. Fuct's rotating OP was one of the best i've seen in terms of yield. I'm not arguing natmoon's points about quality.
I have 2 sections,one grows seedlings and one does the flowering i never run out and i never need clones.
Any males that come up are killed unless they appear exceptional and then i use them to hybridize.
A couple of weeks in the seed chamber and they just get put under into the flowering section.
Clones are small usually and can be a pain in the ass and certainly do not yield more pot.
Another reason to do it my way is that my stuff just gets better every time i crossbreed it using the occasional exceptional male that comes along.
I do not lie and i do not talk shit and i have been doing this for a long timebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to talk shit either nat. I just fell in love with Al B Fuct's SoG op, but I know you know your shit. But how the hell do you grow those monster colas so freakin tall?


Well-Known Member
Sry nat, you have me confused with some other "child." I've had this acct since 2007 (around the same time as you) and I've never had another one. I didn't mean to argue you, in fact I've seen your threads in the past and I know you're an awesome grower. I love how you did the sponge airstone thing in soil. And yes I read the whole thread. :roll:
I don't mind arguing,its just when people assume that i am full of crap and i don't know what i am talking about at all.
I may have joined here in 2007 but i have been doing this for over 20 years.
Sorry if i got pissy,i know that i shouldn't do and thanks for the compliment:eyesmoke:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to talk shit either nat. I just fell in love with Al B Fuct's SoG op, but I know you know your shit. But how the hell do you grow those monster colas so freakin tall?
Oxygen to the root system,fimming,sip watering to encourage more resin production,giving them red and blue light all the way through and a bit of love and trimming away of "unnecessary" leaf.
I don't knock clones for growing and giving you bud at the end of the day but the guy asked what i thought was the best and this is just my opinionbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Oxygen to the root system,fimming,sip watering to encourage more resin production,giving them red and blue light all the way through and a bit of love and trimming away of "unnecessary" leaf.
I don't knock clones for growing and giving you bud at the end of the day but the guy asked what i thought was the best and this is just my opinionbongsmilie
i thought you said "red bull lite" for a min there, i was like...wtfffffff

think its my bedtime lol



Well-Known Member
seeds vs. clones.

yield is unrelated to the method of propagation.

you can get a bigger yield in a shorter amount of time from clones (as you already have a partially developed plants by the time it roots.

but yield is proportional to plant size during veg (length of vegetative growth), amount/type of lighting/soil(nutes)/hydrovs.soil/and other environmental conditions determine yield.

seed or clone both have same potential for yield assuming same genetics.


Well-Known Member
Oxygen to the root system,fimming,sip watering to encourage more resin production,giving them red and blue light all the way through and a bit of love and trimming away of "unnecessary" leaf.
I don't knock clones for growing and giving you bud at the end of the day but the guy asked what i thought was the best and this is just my opinionbongsmilie

So in you'r experience seeds yield more then clones?


Well-Known Member
I don't see why people have trouble with seeds i have hundreds and hundreds of them now.
I just chuck them into the propagator and they come up i fimm them when they are really small and because i use my own hybrids they always show f1 vigour.
I know if you have some fangled hydro setup that you get better results with clones maybe but im in soil.

I use my own exp to just give the plants just enough water with a watering can to keep them healthy and slightly drier than some people suggest and i give the plants daily sips instead of every few days soaking them like most people do.
I believe that this encourages the plant to produce more resin than a plant kept in a wetter pot.
I have no proof of this obviouslybongsmilie
Here is one plant of mine grown from seed in 12 weeks,start to finish ;)



Well-Known Member
I don't see why people have trouble with seeds i have hundreds and hundreds of them now.
I just chuck them into the propagator and they come up i fimm them when they are really small and because i use my own hybrids they always show f1 vigour.
I know if you have some fangled hydro setup that you get better results with clones maybe but im in soil.

I use my own exp to just give the plants just enough water with a watering can to keep them healthy and slightly drier than some people suggest and i give the plants daily sips instead of every few days soaking them like most people do.
I believe that this encourages the plant to produce more resin than a plant kept in a wetter pot.
I have no proof of this obviouslybongsmilie
Here is one plant of mine grown from seed in 12 weeks,start to finish ;)
you have any lowryder man?


Well-Known Member
Yea soil grows probably the best tasting bud. I'll have to try the sip thing, it sounds like a good theory. I know the sponge thing was.


Well-Known Member
No thats my own mostly sativa crossed with my own pppxblueberrybongsmilie
yeah, i know that yield isn't lowryder obviously. but i was wondering if you breed lowryder aswell...

you should, they are hot cakes...need to find a cheap supplier.
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