Do these look close to harvest?


Well-Known Member
wait until your trichromes turn about 40% amber then flush it and wait 2 weeks after flush to harvest


Well-Known Member
how am one supose to see the trichomes switchin colours when you dont have det proper equipment?
the naked eye?

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
After you've been growing for a while, you won't need any scope to know when they're ripe.

A ripe plant has a certain look and smell.


Just various stages of random buds from 3 plants. Should be more or less in order.
Basic ebb and flow. 12/12 light using 1 400w HPS and 4 t5 Flo's. General Hydroponics nutes. Flow is 5 times daily (24hr) for 15 min. PH= 5.8-6.1.


Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Looks good, got a little nitrogen claw going on though.

Just back off the food a bit and you'll be good.


Well-Known Member
Just various stages of random buds from 3 plants. Should be more or less in order.
Basic ebb and flow. 12/12 light using 1 400w HPS and 4 t5 Flo's. General Hydroponics nutes. Flow is 5 times daily (24hr) for 15 min. PH= 5.8-6.1.
you will get alot more out of those buds if u ease back on waterings,its over watered ,isnt 5 times a day a bit much? getsome air to roots.