Do These Look o.k? 31 day Old Autoflowers


31 Days (3).jpg31 Days.jpgHi again all, Do my ladys look o.k??31 Days (2).jpg they are 31 day old big budda s.a.s autoflowers. they seem to be going o.k, But the back two are taller and thinner then the rest is this o.k?
They are on 2ml per ltr canna coco A+B, I was thinking of starting them on canna boost does anyone rate it? and canna p.k 13/14?


Active Member
Hey mate, looking great so far, i use canna and cant fault it myself never used canna boost though so cant help on that, i wouldnt worry about the 2 that are slightly taller either to be honest. Hope they carry on doing well for you mate.


Active Member
They are looking great! Im coming to an end of my current AF grow, pics are here

You will see some taken early days which look somewhat similar but they did get much bigger than I anticipated, once they flowered anyway. So keep an eye out on this if size could be a problem for you. I am in a hydro setup and used canna vega a & b and flores a & b along with pk and boost, did first week with canna start and plan to flush with canna flush though people have since said you dont need the flush. In answer to your question anyway - Use pk1314 for 1 week, 3 weeks before expected harvest. Use boost once plants start to flower and continue to use until flush.


They are looking great! Im coming to an end of my current AF grow, pics are here

You will see some taken early days which look somewhat similar but they did get much bigger than I anticipated, once they flowered anyway. So keep an eye out on this if size could be a problem for you. I am in a hydro setup and used canna vega a & b and flores a & b. Use pk1314 for 1 week, 3 weeks before expected harvest. Use boost once plants start to flower and continue to use until flush.
Cheers mate, What AF strain did you use? thiis my first grow want something whit a big yeild for my next grow.


Active Member
Ive got 5 barneys flower power
One afghan kush ryder
And 1 automaria 2

This was my first AF grow too. One of my barneys is way bigger than the rest because it was seeded a week or so earlier than the rest - i will let you know what i yield on this. But generally i dont think autos are great for yield, unless you are working in confined space and want to maximise your area, ie instead of 1 photoperiod plant in 1msq yielding about 7-8 oz do 16 af's yielding approx an oz each - which was the principle i used, well attempted, but as you can they went out of control a little, expected them to stay around 40-50cm topps, but they are nearly at top of my 2m tent - ive got a res under them tho which takes some space. On my next grow im probably going to try lst (low stress training) on maybe two plants in my dr120, if i can keep a good even canopy i think that will yield more.


Ive got 5 barneys flower power
One afghan kush ryder
And 1 automaria 2

This was my first AF grow too. One of my barneys is way bigger than the rest because it was seeded a week or so earlier than the rest - i will let you know what i yield on this. But generally i dont think autos are great for yield, unless you are working in confined space and want to maximise your area, ie instead of 1 photoperiod plant in 1msq yielding about 7-8 oz do 16 af's yielding approx an oz each - which was the principle i used, well attempted, but as you can they went out of control a little, expected them to stay around 40-50cm topps, but they are nearly at top of my 2m tent - ive got a res under them tho which takes some space. On my next grow im probably going to try lst (low stress training) on maybe two plants in my dr120, if i can keep a good even canopy i think that will yield more.
O.k mate nice one, might have to go to normal strain for the next grow then. My only problem is i cant do my light cycle anymore than 16/8 as i sleep in the same room and the fan wakes me up and drives me mad. Do you think i could get away with 16/8 with normal strain? my autos seem to love it


Active Member
It wont kill em but i imagine it could hinder the growth, its only two hours off the usual 18/6 which doesnt seem alot, considering they are still a weed after all! :-) I would say go for it, you will be turning them to 12/12 once in flower anyway. The only way to truely know is through trial and error or finding someone else who has done this.

I sleep right next to my tent, intake and extraction and circulation fan all going off throughout the night, it sounded loud at first but i got used to it and it blocks out other noise. I had a fish tank running for a few years which made noise so ive had plenty of time to get used to sleeping through that type of thing.

It would be nice to see how things develop with your auto's! Please keep me updated!



It wont kill em but i imagine it could hinder the growth, its only two hours off the usual 18/6 which doesnt seem alot, considering they are still a weed after all! :-) I would say go for it, you will be turning them to 12/12 once in flower anyway. The only way to truely know is through trial and error or finding someone else who has done this.

I sleep right next to my tent, intake and extraction and circulation fan all going off throughout the night, it sounded loud at first but i got used to it and it blocks out other noise. I had a fish tank running for a few years which made noise so ive had plenty of time to get used to sleeping through that type of thing.

It would be nice to see how things develop with your auto's! Please keep me updated!

It drives me mad i used to sleeping in silence am starting to get used to it abit now, I have a 125w blue/red cfl do you think i could keep 4 (normal strain) under that untill the 12/12 starts then i can use my 600w hps? The cfl doesnt get anywhere near as hot so i could keep the 18/6 with out the fans driving me mad. Corse ill keep u you updated can you do the same with your yeild for me?


If you go to the grow journals there are peeps who give the plant 12/12 from seed, Might be worth asking them how they got on with that method


Active Member
I used a 250w cfl for veg once which worked fine but I'm not the best person to be askin about light requirements, I think they have a section for that on here so I would pose that question to others in that section. I'm using a 600w from start with these autos and they have done ok like that. It's a dual spec light bulb, and I just had it far enough away in seedling stage so it didn't overpower them. Sure I'll keep u updated! Il post more pics up at harvest time and pop a message across to u.