Do these Trichomes look ready?


Well-Known Member
Flushing is a myth with hydro too! There's nothing toxic about direct nitrate salts. Just keep the ppm low for the last few weeks, tapering N off slowly, but not enough for the leaves to turn yellow

After peaking, the plant doesn't take in a lot of nutrients anyway. The plant eats the same inorganic salts, even in a soil setup, it's just that in soil, bacteria are responsible for converting other forms of nitrogen into nitrates that the plant takes up. Same nitrates in the end. As long as the plant looks healthy at harvest, the smoke will be good.

In fact, it's soil that can contain aluminum, lead, arsenic, mercury, and other toxic metals. None of that in my hydro setup. I can guarantee you my setup contains none of those heavy metals unless they came in the tap water, which organic growers would also use. The claims organic users make against hydro are unfounded.

Dirt is dirty by definition! It's dirt!

BTW i don't flush, if you grow in soil flushing a myth, unless you're trying to get rid of excess salt in your medium, otherwise it's just a waste of water.


Active Member
thanks for the input, pretty convinced im gonna feed a week then flush a week but here some nuggy goodness for you guys
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Any opinions welcome :)