Do they monitor Electricity Usage?


Active Member
Great info from all of you. Thanks much.

Seems like I ought to cut costs in other areas and just be mindful.

Thanks for that article, too. It was hard to tell how many plants per home were raided. Over 3000 total but what was the breakdown so that I can compare my 18 plants to theirs and wonder if electricity is really a red flag for monitoring agencies.


Well-Known Member
Great info from all of you. Thanks much.

Seems like I ought to cut costs in other areas and just be mindful.

Thanks for that article, too. It was hard to tell how many plants per home were raided. Over 3000 total but what was the breakdown so that I can compare my 18 plants to theirs and wonder if electricity is really a red flag for monitoring agencies.
20 homes at 3119 plants per house is 155.95 plants per bust on average. I should be ok with my 3.


Well-Known Member
To be dreadfully honest, at least in Canada... I have a strong believe our government/authorities are worried about the people growing an entire basement worth of marijuana and selling it illegally without paying any taxes.

Growing two or three plants, likely, isn't going to raise suspicion. Just be graceful with it.


Well-Known Member
i didnt read all the threads but i dont see how yo0ur power bil;l is going up that high and he only has 3 plants sounds like going overboard but maybe that was a different guy

they need a warrant to check your power bill iom pretty sure but as long as you pay your bill i dont think it will matter


Well-Known Member
sorry to hijack your thread but running a 400w or even 600watt HPS 24/0 would this be very noticable? isnt it kind of like adding a second fridge?


Well-Known Member
as a large consumer of electric useage i know for a fact our citys power company shares data with the police dept. if your bill jumps 400.00 in one month you will likely get a unwanted visit.

i run close to 4600 watts 12/12 at one location and the bill is nearly 300.00 alone. this is nearly insane. however i have properties around me with different size homes.

to have a bill of 600.00 you will be pulling nearly 4000 KwH a month. the adverage family will use 800-1600 so just be reasonable. different states are more agressive. Some counties have no narcotic budgets others have nothing to do. our local providers have a upgraded grid with ARM automatoc reading meters. this allows them to read the meter automaticly. The otherside of the coin is now they will start charging you based on when you use the power. during peak times you get charged more. Now they can track your Wattage and the cycles of useage.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Id cut as much electricity as possible to help compensate.Like said all bulbs in your house should be cfls low wattage,shut down computers or tv whne not actually using them as those are 50-500 watt each.Keep lights off as long as possible in the home even if a little dark candles can be mood setting lol.Unplug dvd players,vcrs and steroe even if they are off and the lcd has a clock or red indicator they are still drawing power.Do larger loads of laundry to help cut amount of loads.Alternate your grow boxes if you have 4 run 2 on 1 cycle and 2 on another for flowering and use cfls inside instead of the 400 watt mh lights.Get like 250 watt vitalumnes cfls as that cuts your veg voltage in half right there.Dont forget dont leave outside lights on unless you are gone and neeed them for returning.Pay bills on time and dont look like ahermit who doesnt come out to much stay friendly.


Well-Known Member
Just try and scale back as much as you can.

-Turn off your computer/monitor at night. (100w or so).
-Replace bulbs with CFL's (from 45-500w depending on the house).
-Turn down your AC 1 degree during the summer. (100
-Unplug any appliances not in use (about 7-15w per appliance in "standby")
-Raise your Fridge temperature to 3c, and your freezer temp to -17c (100w or so)
-If you have a dish washer, use the short cycle, and fill it to the brim (no idea)
-Wash with cold water and Tide HE detergent if you have any sort of electrical water heater (huge savings)



Well-Known Member
My Grow area is an apartment on top of a 2-car garage so its very small it has its own meter though.......i have a 1000 watt HPS a couple floros for the mothers a couple fans and a couple airpumps.... my bil is usually around $70 a month.... how much more do you guys think I could get away with? I intend to buy 4 more 600 watt hps think that will make my bill go up that much? think that is to high for such a small apartment??


Active Member
I work for a power company and I'm telling you right now. we would never question our customers electricity use. we're happy they want to use more power. we might question there power bill thinking our meter is reading wrong if the bill tripled but thats about it. and then only way we'll inform police is if they have a court order to supply information about a certain home. other than that, have as much power as you want. and thats coming from a company that supplies power to 6 west coast cities.


Well-Known Member
I must look like the drug king pin of the tri state area going by my family's electric useage in my home ,& i dont even have grow equipment in my home.

Just between the stereo system & home theater im running over 6,000 watts,not to mention 4 computers,3 big screen tv's,a projection system,2 washers & 2 dryers,my wifes heating pad that runs 24/7 & the 1500 watt electric heater she leaves run at her feet year round,a half dozen ionic breeze shittin ass things she runs all over the house,air conditioning set to make girls nipples explode as soon as they walk in the door,plus all the other various shit thats in a normal home.

Pay your bills on time & as long as your not pulling 10,000 watts from a mobile home or 1 bedroom apt you will more than likely go unoticed.


Active Member
I must look like the drug king pin of the tri state area going by my family's electric useage in my home ,& i dont even have grow equipment in my home.

Just between the stereo system & home theater im running over 6,000 watts,not to mention 4 computers,3 big screen tv's,a projection system,2 washers & 2 dryers,my wifes heating pad that runs 24/7 & the 1500 watt electric heater she leaves run at her feet year round,a half dozen ionic breeze shittin ass things she runs all over the house,air conditioning set to make girls nipples explode as soon as they walk in the door,plus all the other various shit thats in a normal home.

Pay your bills on time & as long as your not pulling 10,000 watts from a mobile home or 1 bedroom apt you will more than likely go unoticed.
as long as you pay your bills we have no reason to question you. our highest users of electricity are of course business but aside from that. a mobile home will use more energy than a home plumbed with gas. reason why is mobile homes use nothing but all electrical components unless they are equiped with gas. most mobile homes run 300-600$$ a month.

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
My Grow area is an apartment on top of a 2-car garage so its very small it has its own meter though.......i have a 1000 watt HPS a couple floros for the mothers a couple fans and a couple airpumps.... my bil is usually around $70 a month.... how much more do you guys think I could get away with? I intend to buy 4 more 600 watt hps think that will make my bill go up that much? think that is to high for such a small apartment??

I lived in a similar place and wasnt growing bud but I was growing/selling saltwater corals and my bills was $200/month and my gf at the time lived in the identical place next door hers was $30..

my last house with the grow op my monthly bill went from $170---to $800/month...Mostly wasted electricity with how i had things setup at the time.


Well-Known Member
Here in Canada, our Electrical companys join a task for with the RCMP. The RCMP survalliance team for Grow-ops seems to be cracking down but NOT TO charge or flood our courts with an assembly line of cases but rather to SLOW the production of distrabution and cease the amount entering the USA. By law in Canada we have a 48hour window frame to clean our grow op up before inspection.... So eaither Clean up or get busted lolol. do what u want. 600$ bill is not lots if you own a house wiht a shop and yard light.. Do Buy a hottub and have a water bin for hourse that heats all year around and maybe some electrical heaters and weilding gear. NOW this will justify all your electrical consumption!! NO worries anymore, Go cheep in your local bargain finder and get all this gear for less then 3000! BTW if you pay your bill, in theory it does not reach human eyeballs! But they also have computer programs that detect power spikes 12/12hr power pulls and other bullshit devices! GL O,

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
Here in Canada, our Electrical companys join a task for with the RCMP. The RCMP survalliance team for Grow-ops seems to be cracking down but NOT TO charge or flood our courts with an assembly line of cases but rather to SLOW the production of distrabution and cease the amount entering the USA. By law in Canada we have a 48hour window frame to clean our grow op up before inspection.... So eaither Clean up or get busted lolol. do what u want. 600$ bill is not lots if you own a house wiht a shop and yard light.. Do Buy a hottub and have a water bin for hourse that heats all year around and maybe some electrical heaters and weilding gear. NOW this will justify all your electrical consumption!! NO worries anymore, Go cheep in your local bargain finder and get all this gear for less then 3000! BTW if you pay your bill, in theory it does not reach human eyeballs! But they also have computer programs that detect power spikes 12/12hr power pulls and other bullshit devices! GL O,

thats fucking aswesome


Well-Known Member
Yup sure is awsome, but one thing for sure is that I never have been busted and hope I never will.. My info comes from some people that run high amount and been doing this for many years. Some other info comes from those who grow for others. They passed a law here in Canda, that if you want to grow your own dope, you can as long as you have a parctitioner who belives your going to benefit from smoking weed lol.. But if you can grow you can get someone else 2, so when yuo get legilized his or her name goes besides yours.. Just want you to remeber this is info from these peoples mouth well and some reasearch from the internet.. Well and im studying Criminology with most reference at S.F.U. (most wildy execpted crim school in north america.)
Check this link out, its some info on grow op bust done by the SFU school of Criminology Marijuana grow-ops: Ground breaking study finds Canadian justice system imploding says criminologist Darryl Plecas, professor at the University College of the Fraser Valley gonna make u laugh so read it all!!