Do u knowur shit

Not sure what the called when they grow red/purple hairs from the start. I had a blueberry hash plant do that outdoors and it was absolutely awesome looking. The end product wasn't any good at all though. Wish I had a picture of it to post 6' and all red hairs from the start.
Polyploid chimeric mutation. Most times the plant gets half the DNA from each of the parents. In this case though she has all of both. Twice the DNA chains. Neat!
That's what I thought there crazy thing is I broke the branch an tape it up like two weeks into flower an bam it looks like this
If so identify this

Yes its Whorlled Phylotaxy which is the correct definition for the structure formed. Basically from stress and as such cannot be bred genetically as the mutation is not inheritable and will dissapear when the stress does.

The apical dominance of the plant or branch in question has been lost and we can identify one or two hormones responsible. We see the same in willow treees as they like waterlogged soil and thus promotes the hormone that screws with its apical dominance.

Some call it fasciation but thats a very broad catogory and this fits few of those. Others say ploidy (triploidy/polyploidy etc etc) but that refers to a genetic multiplication of chromosomes and certainly not what you see in your picture. A chimera it is also not, lets not go into them.

In simple terms grower error and to add to that because of the vast multiplication of pistils you also get a vast multiplication of tiny leaves and stems which makes the final smoke pretty shitty :-)
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