Well-Known Member
Look at that!
It suggests to me there is so much more that we can't detect.
We only have the medium of light to work with, it's limiting
Look at that!
no they are not saying its wedge shaped
that quote is from your linkThe Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (SDSS-III) has released new data in the form of the largest three-dimensional map of our universe so far. It’s a map of 1.2 million galaxies over a quarter of the sky and over a volume of space of 650 cubic billion light-years
electromagnetism is a different force to gravity. they show that in all the science clips where a magnet can pick up a paper clip and over come gravityI'm guessing it has to do with electromagnetic forces that are inherent in the chemical composition of matter itself. Every single atom has an electromagnetic charge, we know positive attracts negative (and vice versa)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamental_interactionThere are four conventionally accepted fundamental interactions—gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear
let me think .....I know how it exists, but does science know why gravity exists? Why do objects in a vacuum coalesce?
You can't know if it would work otherwiselet me think .....
Well a good answer why NOT, would be that if they was no gravity then there would be just trillionsXamount single sub-atomic (or smaller) particles just floating in space .... it would be nothing but a mess and un-ordered.
So maybe the reason WHY would be it wouldn't work otherwise.
dats me thinking ha ha !!
so why ? because it wouldn't work otherwise.
it's the opposite of everything, everything has an opposite , good-bad -light-dark - right -wrong - heavy-light male - female - everything has an opposite.You can't know if it would work otherwise
There might very well be other universes out there where existence would work outside of gravity. We just don't know, and can't fathom an existence outside of gravity because we're inside of gravity
I don't understandit's the opposite of everything, everything has an opposite , good-bad -light-dark - right -wrong - heavy-light male - female - everything has an opposite.
so the opposite of gravity would be ?
it's whats correct and not not correct if this make sense ? i this case.
so we could go down the road of "well who are we to say whats correct and whats not" i suppose it's what we love that determines that and science stuff etc etc.
it wouldn't be right if there was no gravtiy, that's why it exists.
ok got to go do my shopping, i think the apples are starting to float awaywhich wouldn't be right
You wanted the answer to why gravity exists .....the answer is the opposite, it works with it, it doesn't without.I don't understand
dark matter also produces a lot of electromagnetic energy (dark energy). a lot more gravity and EM that the "normal matter" in the universeNot sure *why* gravity exists, but it is one of the most interesting forces in the fact that it's the only major force shared between normal matter and 'dark' matter that we know of (see Gravitational lensing and dark matter)
no dark matter doesn't produce or interact with electromagnetic energy. we know that because if it did we'd beable to see it happen.dark matter also produces a lot of electromagnetic energy (dark energy). a lot more gravity and EM that the "normal matter" in the universe
It has no electromagnetic interaction, but does have a weak gravity interaction which we can see through distortion due to gravity- its one of the reason we know it exists, we can see it through lensing, plus the gravitational interaction is theorized to be 'required' in forming galaxies (dark matter halo)no dark matter doesn't produce or interact with electromagnetic energy. we know that because if it did we'd beable to see it happen.
that's why its dark
yes we know that much. its the gravitational effects that first pointed people to its existence without that we'd still be oblivious to itIt has no electromagnetic interaction, but does have a weak gravity interaction which we can see through distortion due to gravity- its one of the reason we know it exists, we can see it through lensing, plus the gravitational interaction is theorized to be 'required' in forming galaxies (dark matter halo)
"that isn't right. Its not even wrong."why not use the answer quantum theorist use. " since we can't explain it then it must come from a parallel dimension or universe that we will never be able to observe and study. the answer is out there. just not in a place where we can find it.or perhaps gravity is a force dark matter asserts on normal matter the same way that gas in a sealed container asserts force on and solid object in that container.the limited permeability of that solid object organizes the random movement of particles creating pressure proportionate to the permeability (mass or density) of that solid object . or maybe gravity exist because the universe (or god if you prefer) wants it to exist. 3 possible answers take another toke then take your choice. hehehehehe
lol yea this isnt exactly the convo i expected to have on this siteas uncle Albert once said. every theory is correct until proven wrong hehehehe. theory is all we have. we can't know what we can not observe or reduce to smaller elements. dark energy is the counter balance to gravity so both must exist for us to be here asking questions and since we can not observe dark matter only it's effect and quantum theory tells us that mas and energy are interchangeable element of everything that exist how can we say that dark matters gravity and dark energy are not part of the same thing. two opposite that coexist in a semi balanced state. I must really be bored spending my time with this
you do realize that arguing theories is not science. until they can be tested and the facts determined it's just religion. we are not all stoners on this site. some of us are just sick people that use cannabis to treat out disorders and are fully capable of deep intellectual discussions. we did not all graduate from STONERS UNIVERSITY hehehehehelol yea this isnt exactly the convo i expected to have on this sitebut yea, its all some sort of crazy balance, and possibly one that tips one way or the other until the heat death of the universe. deep shit.