Do we need more information on seed packs?

I just want seeds,I'm not growing the pack they come in,and i'm not saving them like sports cards....

As long as my seeds are not smashed, I'm good.
For real, and if you don't know anything about the genetics you are working with you haven't done enough research.

But these new pollyhybrids they just keep crossing back and forth we have more so called strains these days than phenotypes to select from. Lol

It happens, I hate it, always feel ripped, have to wonder how the shit was stored, how old it is....
I've seen mold develop over night, then I scoped new ones and saw spores on quite a few packs. tells me
its in a phukkin camper fridge, fine for us, maybe not so much for sellers/resellers. There are chillers that control humidity also.
my guru has one and his seeds last longer than mine. I keep mine in their packs/snapped/zipped, etc, in an insulated lunchbag with a few dessicant bags.. At 5 yrs I see obvious decline in germ rates. blame me, sure I do, but....I also get packs with tiny spores(1600xdigiscope) on the seeds too, so....
thank you for bringing this up, the bolded part, I didnt want to pick on seed ages....but....dangit, who would choose old stock if new is available. I would....if seriously bet
Well, they came from Attitude and had been listed for a while before I ordered. Hard to say how long they'd had them...and I have no doubt it was poor storage and nothing at all to do with the breeder.
I can cite one for sure and that was #18 (RP?). one year they were the go to fire for everyone.....then I moved, closed shop, reopened with new genetics. #18 was a boring og once again 2 years later, then every year to now even. that ttly sucks, wont buy from them again. gu covered that expression for me anyways.
That was just a thought but true. I have seeds I. Are myself 6 years ago that germ at about 100% still. Plants are just the same as always. Seeds were kept dry and dark. That's all. I'm sure those seeds are nothing special and a birth date is not really important to me but the reputation of the breeder/seedbank is.

I also like buying from breeders when possible. I now buy from about 4 places and that will give me all I need.
For real, and if you don't know anything about the genetics you are working with you haven't done enough research.

But these new pollyhybrids they just keep crossing back and forth we have more so called strains these days than phenotypes to select from. Lol
Aint that the truth. More strains now a days than phenotypes to select from. Lol. Well said.
Some breeders don't even use commercial packaging with info. I feel really good if they have great info on the website. Sometimes great packaging is more difficult to dispose of. Living behind the Green Curtain.
So a "BORN ON" date is wanted, eh?
Interesting, I'd never thought about that being an issue.

To be honest, I've always hated getting super fresh seed. I'd end up having to replace the desiccant balls more often. I guess old seed is just as bad though.

I think proper storage is probably more of a factor than seed age, but you guys know what you want.

@Gu~ I really like the idea of a QR code and am truly impressed with your level of involvement in this thread as it tells me you're interested in truly providing a service. I have a suggestion that may be too much but you can decide if it is. What about after using the QR code to the strain, if the person is logged in, they can provide feedback on that specific pack they bought. Set it up like multiple choice questions like they do for smoke reports but this would be geared toward grow reports (flowering time, nutrient usage, lighting, indoor outdoor etc) and that way you could provide a baseline for the strain and allow the community to kinda 'fill in the blanks' so to speak. You'd be heads and shoulders above many in your field.....not saying you aren't already though ;)

Aint that the truth. More strains now a days than phenotypes to select from. Lol. Well said.
For real, so many times I smoke bud from dispensaries and I'm never too impressed because I have had plants many times that taste like some of the best clone only lines.

I don't care if you buy 2 5 packs from Subfool lol, you cross them two 5 packs you will find something amazing in 20-30 beans no problem. I first noticed that with a pack of SSH from MNS I made a bunch of F2 seeds and they are just as good and much better with the selection.

Of course that CBD shit is a little different they actually test the weed to breed the CBD enrichment, at least CBD Crew I'm sure Chimera too. Chimera is actually into some shit pisses me off I got banned from ICmag for simply discovering that he's working on GMO marijuana. I'd like to see where it goes personally of course he's working with big pharma and GW Pharmaceuticals but I just wish he'd be honest about it. Lol

I do still know where to find the video of him talking about GMO marijuana at the Cannabis hemp conference but I don't share it publicly since he had the video and article deleted but I do have contact to one of the people who saved the article.

But I'm going to be breeding my own F2'S and Polly hybrids while he pretends to not be the lead breeder in the first USPTO patented marijuana cultivar. :bigjoint:

Of course I was banned for life because I stirred the pot. LMAO, I don't
@Gu~ I really like the idea of a QR code and am truly impressed with your level of involvement in this thread as it tells me you're interested in truly providing a service. I have a suggestion that may be too much but you can decide if it is. What about after using the QR code to the strain, if the person is logged in, they can provide feedback on that specific pack they bought. Set it up like multiple choice questions like they do for smoke reports but this would be geared toward grow reports (flowering time, nutrient usage, lighting, indoor outdoor etc) and that way you could provide a baseline for the strain and allow the community to kinda 'fill in the blanks' so to speak. You'd be heads and shoulders above many in your field.....not saying you aren't already though ;)


Great suggestion!

The QR code I posted earlier goes right to the Copper Chem product page. If you are logged it you'd be able to leave a review.

Leaving a review also earns you gold nuggets.

It's a double edged sword because people will earn nuggets/leave review on how they just ordered and are super excited.
I'm not able to limit who reviews what and when. I doubt people would leave a review if they didn't get something for it. Hence why every product at my store is 5 stars lol. Well almost.
I'm not sure I have a fix for the reviews but I also don't know if I want to change it considering how positive and vocal everyone is in the reviews. Shows support and trust from others which in turn gives a new customer more confidence when ordering.

Great suggestion!

The QR code I posted earlier goes right to the Copper Chem product page. If you are logged it you'd be able to leave a review.

Leaving a review also earns you gold nuggets.

It's a double edged sword because people will earn nuggets/leave review on how they just ordered and are super excited.
I'm not able to limit who reviews what and when. I doubt people would leave a review if they didn't get something for it. Hence why every product at my store is 5 stars lol. Well almost.
I'm not sure I have a fix for the reviews but I also don't know if I want to change it considering how positive and vocal everyone is in the reviews. Shows support and trust from others which in turn gives a new customer more confidence when ordering.

Maybe have the QR code link to a different page with same info but for those who have already purchased packs? Like keep what you have but create a 'buyers page' that is accessed only through the QR code? I don't know maybe I am making this too complicated. All for the good though!

Thanks @Gu~ !
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can you imagine all of the gro smoke reports to thumb through? just look at this forum, some hate some love, some dont know how to grow yet, some are still using lights to feminize, strange feedings, strange lightings....a huge grain of salt will be needed
And the funny thing could apply that to just about anything. Once you add "Limited Edition" or similar people go nuts. Maybe not actual growers/gardeners but the "collectors" will trip over themselves to obtain it. Its just basic Marketing 101

Higher price =/= better genetics
Limited Edition =/= better genetics
But it sure does reel in the $$

Man that's so true. Once or twice I got fooled by price, thinking more expensive must be better. The French Toast by Archieve I paid $ 130 for had low germ rates, and hermie offspring. The stuff I paid half as much for, IC91 from ISP (Insane Seed Posse) was vigorous, potent, with no sexual confusion. ISP gives good descriptions on Seedfinder, and they match up to what you grow IME.

Now I know: Higher Price = Don't mean shit in the real world.
Real Breeders don't churn out as many strains, but the ones they do kick out tend to be better quality. No wasted time, that's the real value, especially when you're running in a closet or tent. I say you can't go wrong with Bodhi, ISP, or Tony's Tortured Beans. Great Lakes Genetics carries all three.