Do white women specifically or any modern day women that aged 18 to 30 like bearded men?


Well-Known Member
I mean I'm quite the puller (not to sound cocky or arrogant) I used to have short hair and very short beard, stylish, now I've decided to grow my beard and hair, it's neatly trimmed and my hair long but again I usually tie it or do some style with it, my beard is similar size and style to this picture.

I've noticed I don't pull as much as I used to which I still don't give a fuck because I love my beard I comb it oil it trim and wax it. I don't wanna look like what society expects me to look like, I like being original.

Back to the topic so women really dislike it? specifically white women? because maybe it's not cool and you don't have the businessmen image and look like a homeless dude or a terrorist? or a muslim or a jew?
idk discuss.


Well-Known Member
I have a beard similar to that picture as well, although not quite that big. I usually get frustrated with it and trim it back to a manageable length once every few months. My wife loves my beard, she's a 26 year old white woman. We've been together for almost 10 years, I've had a full beard for the last 8 or so.

I shaved it down to a short stubble one day when the wife was at work thinking it was no big deal. Well I was wrong, apparently I need to inform her when I plan on trimming my beard and we need to have a discussion and come to an agreement on the length that it will stay before I'm allowed to cut it.

While she can't get enough of the beard, none of her friends share the same beard fetish.


Well-Known Member
I have a beard similar to that picture as well, although not quite that big. I usually get frustrated with it and trim it back to a manageable length once every few months. My wife loves my beard, she's a 26 year old white woman. We've been together for almost 10 years, I've had a full beard for the last 8 or so.

I shaved it down to a short stubble one day when the wife was at work thinking it was no big deal. Well I was wrong, apparently I need to inform her when I plan on trimming my beard and we need to have a discussion and come to an agreement on the length that it will stay before I'm allowed to cut it.

While she can't get enough of the beard, none of her friends share the same beard fetish.
Thanks for sharing that, I enjoyed reading through it, haha I know exactly what you mean she's telling you that you need to inform her because when us men get a massive appearance change in 1 go especially something big as a beard, it makes us look completely weird and look like a different person and us humans we don't like facing changes then we get used to them again.

But I don't know why white women don't like me I share backgrounds with middle easterns so I'm very white and light skinned just dark hair, (dyed to blonde) but my dark hair still shows through and white women just seem not interested, I don't favour races I like anyone I share interests with skin or background do not matter.


Well-Known Member
All white woman love beards, Volkswagon Golfs, the color pink, rain drops on roses, whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles, warm woolen mittens, cream colored ponies, crisp apple strudels, door bells, sleigh bells, schnitzel with noodles, girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes, snowflakes that stay on their nose and eyelashes, brown paper packages tied up with strings, these are a few of white girls' favorite things.


Well-Known Member
You have a beard like that.. yiur middle eastern and dyed blonde hair?

Come on...we need a picture
It's not literally blonde I used blonde dye but because I have very dark hair it came out a very dark shade of ginger. Pictures, no sorry I will not share my info on a cannabis forums lol.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
So, you fancy a snog then? Then, grow it, see what happens. You may just pull a tidy one and get the best jobby. Then you might put yer knob in her fanny, so in case the Johnny splits, she won't be up the duff.
++ rep, you must carry a black belt in UK slang! @lahadaextranjera can you translate for me, please? (Can't ask him it makes his head swell).


Well-Known Member
My wife said she hates beards. I've always kept a goat tee. I went to a trimmed beard then one like in the pic.

I shaved it and kept the goat tee part. My wife was upset that I cut it off. Go figure.
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