Do white women specifically or any modern day women that aged 18 to 30 like bearded men?

I saw a guy wearing a camouflage coat and tight black jeans, looked like he was wearing MY clothes. So they are dressing their bodies like women, and then overcompensating by having really long hipster beards.

I think it depends on where you live. In up in the north east USA. Women love beards around here, I used to have a beard like that about 10 yes ago and it got me all kinds of action. Girls would walk up and just start touching it and runing there fingers through it. Now every douche out there has one. offense. .lol
Short beards and stubble can be ok but have you seen them all lately KLITE? They dress very unisex.

I saw a guy wearing a camouflage coat and tight black jeans, looked like he was wearing MY clothes. So they are dressing their bodies like women, and then overcompensating by having really long hipster beards.
Yeah that way too much I just dress casual tbh shirts, hoodies, jeans, tracksuits. just depends, dress for the appropriate scenario.
Colorado grower chic; brand name sneakers for grip on wet concrete, cargo shorts, belt loop carrier for scissors and loupe (much like a belt holster for a knife), T-shirt proclaiming an industry insider event or product, baseball cap with more 420 related product/lifestyle branding, polarized UVA/UVB shades.

...and shaggy hair and week old stubble around a goatee. Lol
Nooo noo noo nooo. Matters how you carry yourself! With pride, confidence some charm. Although I
totally admire them beards will always rremind me of my father & grandfather. My HUb half jap too would torn out patchy he says
I have learned to admire All beauty
All white woman love beards, Volkswagon Golfs, the color pink, rain drops on roses, whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles, warm woolen mittens, cream colored ponies, crisp apple strudels, door bells, sleigh bells, schnitzel with noodles, girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes, snowflakes that stay on their nose and eyelashes, brown paper packages tied up with strings, these are a few of white girls' favorite things.
what about when the dog bites, when the bee stings.... when they're feeling sad?