Do you agree with Uncle Buck?

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dude. that is horse shit.

the protugese called their imported goods Negro (which means BLACK not "Black Thing" as claimed in that retarded link)
when said with a typical southern drawl it became "Negra"
and from there it was a linguistic ho skip and jump to "Nigger"

"Niger" entered the west african languages from....LATIN!!! not as some ancient mystical race memory from sanskrit (a language from THREE continents away*)

the rest of that laughable screed was just pathetic attempts to conflate the latin word "Niger" and it's derivatives with any other word starting with the letter N.

posting more nonsense like that could result in great hilarity.

*all of africa, from the far west to the east, across asia minor and asia major, and into the indian subcontinent...

I thought that link was a bit off as well.
Wiki says "Nigger is a noun in the English language. The word originated as a neutral term referring to black people, as a variation of the Spanish/Portuguese noun negro, a descendant of the Latin adjectiveniger ("color black").[1] Often used disparagingly, by the mid 20th century, particularly in the United States, it suggested that its target is extremely unsophisticated. Its usage had become unambiguously pejorative, a common ethnic slur usually directed at blacks of Sub-Saharan African descent.

The history of the word nigger is often traced to the Latin word niger, meaning Black. This word became the noun, Negro (Black person) in English, and simply the color Black in Spanish and Portuguese. In early modern French, niger became negre and, later, negress (Black woman) was unmistakably a part of language history. One can compare to negre the derogatory nigger and earlier English substitutes such as negar, neegar, neger, and niggor that developed into its lexico-semantic true version in English. It is probable that nigger is a phonetic spelling of the White Southern mispronunciation of Negro.

Sounds like you've been down this road before.
that only works if you embrace leftism, vote democrat and adopt reverse racism
As the former senator from West by God Virginia can attest to. Grand Wizard Byrd.

As to living a thousand years ago. I'll pass if given random chance birth. But I'd love to be a medieval King.
What you exhibit is not me being a white supremacist. Whites are on par or slightly behind.

Whites from Western Europe are about average.

you said, and i quote "Quote one post I ever made where I said whites were superior to other races". so i did.
As the former senator from West by God Virginia can attest to. Grand Wizard Byrd.

As to living a thousand years ago. I'll pass if given random chance birth. But I'd love to be a medieval King.
personally i would rather live after the seas drank atlantis, but before the rise of the sons of aryus, in a time undreamed of, an age of High Adventure!

i could probably crush the jeweled thrones of the west beneath my sandaled feet, and wear the crown of aquilonia upon a troubled brow

1000 years ago i would either have been burned at the stake or come to dominate some country by the sword.
you said, and i quote "Quote one post I ever made where I said whites were superior to other races". so i did.
Did you ever learn the difference in singular and plural?

Prior to my renunciation, I only believed that blacks were the inferior. It wasn't as much that whites were superior.

By the same token, you could have called me a yellow supremacist. But you don't. It doesn't fit your agenda.
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