million dollar queston does it come out the same?Always, sometimes twice
Not sure, the second time I check it's because I was high and forgot to log it before I hit clearmillion dollar queston does it come out the same?
I had a friend who i worked with and he set up a dwc 8 site and then checked his ph...8 like you. It would swing to 10 before rez changes. Great bud and lots of it. Never phed down.I am currently growing Jillybean, Chernobyl and a very good hybrid of unknown origins and they all get tap water that has been bubbled for 48 hours, that is not pHed. The herd I've got going in my soil takes care of everything. My tap comes out at 8, yes eight. But thats a soil I've inoculated with tons of bennies and a few different mycos. But I don't use nutes either so I'm not sure how applicable my experience is for you.
I never check my ph I ain't checked it in years,no need if the water is good ,most of the U.K. Water is pretty good so no need,but ec is essential.Asking many people here in Europe they don't even check PH, do you always check PH?
Have you grown not checking PH at all?