OyourG (OMG substitute), I can't believe you're debating this subject on a weed growing forum. Wouldn't you glean more knowledge on some other forum? And for the record of fact, I grew up in a strict Fundamentalist independent baptist household, went to a baptist church school for 13yrs, and 2.5 years in a strict Christian college (Pensacola Christian College, wiki that shit). Before I discovered the REAL truth, for myself.
It only took 19mos. of truth and fact searching to undermine all 21yrs. of my biblical brainwashing! I started from ground zero with Richard Dawkins- God delusion, from there I worked my way through some Pantheism and now I'm onto Deep Ecology.
I'm opening all my doors. Eventually, I may choose to close all doors and enter one door of faith or exit the hall of doors of religion, faith, etc...
No one must explain forces unseen or destinies unknown with the moniker of faith. But if you do choose faith, don't force it upon another.