Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in God?

  • Yes

    Votes: 71 34.6%
  • No

    Votes: 122 59.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 12 5.9%

  • Total voters
I believe in people and the here and now. When I was 7 I questioned GOD's existence. I am still here not struck down by a thunderbolt. I accept and respect all people, plants, air, water, animals as equal to my own life. Peace
Nam myoho renge kyo
Doesn't discuss the origin of humans

The big bang theory describes the origin of the universe and
it has evidence that backs it up

The theory of god doesn't

The theory of evolution describes the diversity of life on planet Earth and it has evidence that backs it up

The theory of god doesn't

Please provide, eh? The math breaks down at singularity.

"Science requests, "Give us one free miracle and we'll explain the rest." And the one free miracle is the appearance of all the matter and energy in the universe and all the laws that govern it from nothing at a single instant."
"Surely Allah is hearing, seeing, knowing, nigh " Muhammad
"It is not I but the father in me that does the works" JC
What the prophets were referring to as God was the true self, the burning bush, the Eternal Flame, the Light (Awareness).

The reason why the vast majority of people misinterpret the words and form an ideology of this singular supreme being is because the human mind can only think objectively so it naturally makes an object out of God.

What the prophets were referring to as God is very Real, it is You

You are aware of these words and there meaning, that is all the evidence you need to prove that you are real

Surely Allah is hearing, seeing, knowing, nigh

Yes the idea of God just as all ideas are figments of the imagination, they exist only in the mind.
"Surely Allah is hearing, seeing, knowing, nigh " Muhammad
"It is not I but the father in me that does the works" JC
What the prophets were referring to as God was the true self, the burning bush, the Eternal Flame, the Light (Awareness).

The reason why the vast majority of people misinterpret the words and form an ideology of this singular supreme being is because the human mind can only think objectively so it naturally makes an object out of God.

What the prophets were referring to as God is very Real, it is You

You are aware of these words and there meaning, that is all the evidence you need to prove that you are real

Surely Allah is hearing, seeing, knowing, nigh

Yes the idea of God just as all ideas are figments of the imagination, they exist only in the mind.

This is the Buddhist understanding of a Supreme Being, it is you and I. The Buddha says, "I reveal the Buddha that resides abiding eternally. It is the eternal Self that has always existed."

All life is equally endowed with the enlightened state of the Buddha, as The Buddha states there is no difference between you and I, other than I am Awake!
Please provide, eh? The math breaks down at singularity.

"Science requests, "Give us one free miracle and we'll explain the rest." And the one free miracle is the appearance of all the matter and energy in the universe and all the laws that govern it from nothing at a single instant."
Redshift is a strong piece of evidence that supports the big bang theory
All religion, dogma is...dogshit. All of the religions still practiced today are from the minds of ancient, barbaric primitive humans.
Gods were invented to explain the random, life & death struggle for survival... those early Syrian gods like Baal.
They believed he controlled the weather with lightning bolts in his grasp. Bad weather = bad crops = bad juju.
So, you must appease the god with blood sacrifice. But at least the people created an 'orderly' society in spite of
these silly superstitions. But that was like 100 A.D. Recently, ISIL(ISIS) destoyed most of the ancient ruins of Palmyra, Syria including their Temple of Baal. The legacy continues.
But for fuck's sake, it's 2016!
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Doesn't discuss the origin of humans

The big bang theory describes the origin of the universe and it has evidence that backs it up

The theory of god doesn't

The theory of evolution describes the diversity of life on planet Earth and it has evidence that backs it up

The theory of god doesn't
Big bang & evolution theories don't have a talking snake.
(dropping microphone)
Please provide, eh? The math breaks down at singularity.

"Science requests, "Give us one free miracle and we'll explain the rest." And the one free miracle is the appearance of all the matter and energy in the universe and all the laws that govern it from nothing at a single instant."

It's actually only religious apologists who insist that if God didn't do it, it had to be a miracle of the universe coming from nothing.
It's just a plain lie to mislead people about the science, to build a straw man of the science and drive people away from it.

There are many speculative hypotheses about where everything came from beyond the extent of our knowledge about the big bang.
They are all far more rigorously checked for consistency with known physics, than 'god did it'.

A few of them have found ways that the universe could have come from a nothing-like state, no miracles required.
Don't believe that those are the only alternatives to goddidit. It's a lie.
Don't believe they require a miracle either - they are constructed out of physics as we currently understand it, extended in speculation beyond the current limits of the evidence.
Goddidit is not constructed out of any of the principles of physics, and it specifically violates many of them.

Going from 'I don't know', i.e. 'the math breaks down at the singularity' to 'it must have been magic' is classic theist fallacy town - projected onto science and scientists as a straw man.
It's your mistake claiming there's a miracle where the math of General Relativity breaks down, not the science's.

Science doesn't say 'beyond that there's a miracle', it says 'we need to figure out how gravity fits in with quantum physics to investigate further back in time; we currently don't know the answer'.
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Yup. Just because science hasn't found definitive answers to such things. Doesn't mean skydaddy did it.

At least witth science. There's observable proof to what we claim. Rather than a book that was rewritten and translated however many times. With each translation slightly different from the last.

Basically. The bible is the oldest game of bullshit and chinese whispers combined.
the universe is a depiction of your imagination, which isnt real. so matter isnt real. only the experience is. and death and science and karma are in the experience. cheers! don't play the game