Well-Known Member
It was a very weak troll, seems to me it was you doing the trolling though, not I.
You can't accept the fact that someone has a different opinion, it's either your belief or you try to discredit them.
I'll take a guess here and say you consider yourself progessive liberal.
When posting in public forums (or sub-forums) that include science or philosophy, one needs to be prepared to be be called on their shit, i.e. be ready to support their positive claims via credible sources, logic and reason. You came into this sub-forum making such claims - evolution hasn't been proven, many credible scientists are against the theory, and that it is actually impossible for it to work the way the theory states it does, etc.. Huge, ballsy claims, indeed. You are then asked to support said claims, not an unreasonable request, and what do you offer up? Poorly sourced creationist videos from decades ago obviously made by biased hacks with an agenda of misinformation. Pad simply asks for a handful of these MANY scientists you claim to have discredited the theory, and you respond with a red herrings and strawmen. You are attempting to side step the issue that you need to show support for your positive claims. If you cannot do this, we have to conclude that there is no such support, and that you are a poser. No one here sets out to discredit anyone, but when you behave like this, you are only discrediting yourself...