Do You Believe In Mind Control?


Well-Known Member
Capitalistic America is the leading Source of mind control, from advertisements to flu shot you give your children that's filled with mercury a.k.a. the most leathal chemical known to man... The oldest source of mind control would be religion of course... religion to keep people in a certain order and if you break the lines you break the law and go directly to jail... If thats not mind control what is? ohh f*ck i forgot about them goats.
Thimerosal is no longer used in childrens vaccinations, and the majority of thimerosal containing vaccinations manufactued in America are sent overseas. The type of mercury (ethyl) used in it does not accumulate in the body. It is eliminated as waste. You get more mercury (methyl mercury, which does accumulate) in a serving of fish than you would have received in a childhood vaccination.

A 4 oz. serving of fish is your monthly recommended safe intake amount of mercury.

So if you eat fish, bitching about vaccinations is a funny thing to do indeed.


Active Member
So that amount would be unleathal to a thirteen year old child or an infant right?... I mean your telling me they have studies to prove that the doses they give children are tested... where's the evidence that supports your "non lethal" amount?, you may find that those shots are for adults over 150 lbs the minds that are fully developed... , If were talking mind control we might as well talk government (being a good place to start given history and there the one's issuing it) I would imagine that you would try to start any influence you wanted to enforce when there young, when very important building blocks are being established, Not to mention it's a multi billion dollar a year business, the poor must stay poor for the rich to stay rich ... no poverty no upper class . Ohh yea shoot 4oz of fish in your bloodstream lemme kno how far you get, im curious i wonder if you can discharge it as waste. Explain fluoride in water, or celebrities on t.v. that have an influence of millions all given from (drumroll) capitalistic america baby (same guys who gave you flu shots when you were a child because the body dosn't fight off the flu anymore, weird... oops they accidentally forgot to take out perservative in all those mandatory shots.. weird, im kinda curious did you get your shots when you were younger? yes you did, how did i know... weird)


New Member
I watched an episode of this show called "That's impossible" that explores some current and public technology behind mind control.

It was phreaky.

Not nearly as phreaky as what George Clooney did to that goat.

I believe people can control the minds of others.

Is he a Scientologist?

Are Scientologists Scientists?


Well-Known Member
Have you ever met a Scientologist? If that religion isn't the poster child for brainwashing I don't know what is.