Do you believe it. Drop in Unemployment.???


Well-Known Member
Yes i do remember the "whispered" comment to putin
obama said
" I will have more flexibility after the election"

he wont be constrained by lying shit stains like Romney who would use anything he could against Obama

Didnt you watch the debate and the repeated claims by Romney that he will Keep Americas military the strongest in the world?

And in this case. It all boils down to a race issue. Freedomworks is a racist sock puppet who got booted before for less than tolerant words
I'm not worried if we pare down our nukes to a mere 1500 warheads.
actually, he was speaking to medvedev not putin.


Well-Known Member

does your mommy still dress you before getting you on the short bus?

written in crayon to abet in understanding.
Do you always edit other people's quotes for the purpose of taking them out of context? You're a joke. A pathetic excuse for a moderator. You are the filth that moderators are supposed to be filtering out. You are a complete idiot self proclaimed marijuana expert. I feel sorry for your mother. How is it that you know so much that isn't so? Thats right, you're a statist.


Well-Known Member
Do you always edit other people's quotes for the purpose of taking them out of context? You're a joke. A pathetic excuse for a moderator. You are the filth that moderators are supposed to be filtering out. You are a complete idiot self proclaimed marijuana expert. I feel sorry for your mother. How is it that you know so much that isn't so? Thats right, you're a statist. You need the government to wipe your ass, I forgot.


New Member
does writing in crayon make you feel special or something?

we are losing government jobs, by the way.
[h=1]Unemployment Rate Plummets to 4.3%--For Government Workers[/h]
( - The best news anywhere in the U.S. economy over the past three months has been in the government sector, where unemployment has dropped dramatically from 5.7 percent in July to 5.1 percent in August to 4.3 percent in September, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Both the federal and state governments increased their employees in July, August and September.
The Obama administration has added 10,000 civilian workers to the federal government's payroll since July, according to BLS. In that month, the federal government employed 2,804,000 civilian workers. In August, that increased to 2,810,000. And, in September, the number of civilian federal employees increased again to 2,814,000.



Well-Known Member
Do you always edit other people's quotes for the purpose of taking them out of context? You're a joke. A pathetic excuse for a moderator. You are the filth that moderators are supposed to be filtering out. You are a complete idiot self proclaimed marijuana expert. I feel sorry for your mother. How is it that you know so much that isn't so? Thats right, you're a statist.


Well-Known Member
you lose points quoting Krugman. Remember, this is the guy who lauded the genius of the stimulus because it was doled out to states for teachers and policemen and we would see the benefits immediately. 2 years later he was back saying the problem with the stimulus was that it was implemented at the state level.

He's also predicted 11 out of the last 7 recessions.

He's also the target of a new wave of economists who prove the naivete' of Keynesians. The latest Nobel winner being one of them.

He's a partisan shill.


Well-Known Member
I posted that link mainly for this quote;

"And that’s the truth that the right can’t handle. The furor over Friday’s report revealed a political movement that is rooting for American failure, so obsessed with taking down Mr. Obama that good news for the nation’s long-suffering workers drives its members into a blind rage. It also revealed a movement that lives in an intellectual bubble, dealing with uncomfortable reality — whether that reality involves polls or economic data — not just by denying the facts, but by spinning wild conspiracy theories."

Which is absolutely true.


Well-Known Member
Back in the summer a lot of skeptical people were predicting the next QE and a jobs report with less than 8% UE the month before the election. Now that it's happened, those same people are saying "See?".

For the UE rate to drop that much we would have had to have over 800K people finding jobs. No other month in Obama's tenure has had over 200K yet in the last jobs report before the election we have this sudden unexpected job boon, the best in almost 30 years. All while telling us the reason there are no jobs created is because the Republican Congress has blocked everything the prez has tried to do the last 2 years.

It's fishy. It could be true and I hope it is, but it just doesn't pass any logical reasoning why all of a sudden 800k people found a job in Sept that wasn't there in Aug or Jul or 2010 or 2011.


Well-Known Member
New polls show Romney UP four points among likely voters. Who was the last incumbent to get re elected when down in the polls? Its been so long I can't remember


Well-Known Member
Temper the Romney poll numbers with an electorate reminder. Obama has Cal and NY locked so he could easily lose the popular vote and still win the election.

Intrade has brought Obama down from a 73% favorite to a 65% fav so the numbers are definitely moving Romney's way, but he will have to win nearly all of the toss up states in play. It's definitely no longer a foregone conclusion and another debate performance will prolly have Romney up in the popular polls. It's still Obama's election to lose.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
you lose points quoting Krugman. Remember, this is the guy who lauded the genius of the stimulus because it was doled out to states for teachers and policemen and we would see the benefits immediately. 2 years later he was back saying the problem with the stimulus was that it was implemented at the state level.

He's also predicted 11 out of the last 7 recessions.

He's also the target of a new wave of economists who prove the naivete' of Keynesians. The latest Nobel winner being one of them.

He's a partisan shill.
No he said the stimulus was too small back before it even passed. There was improvement from the stimulus,our economy was in free fall and it seemed to blunt that. Add in the GM bailouts and we could have had millions more unemployed right now...that would have been great wouldn't it?


Well-Known Member
Temper the Romney poll numbers with an electorate reminder. Obama has Cal and NY locked so he could easily lose the popular vote and still win the election.

Intrade has brought Obama down from a 73% favorite to a 65% fav so the numbers are definitely moving Romney's way, but he will have to win nearly all of the toss up states in play. It's definitely no longer a foregone conclusion and another debate performance will prolly have Romney up in the popular polls. It's still Obama's election to lose.
If Romney takes Florida and Ohio, then its Obama that will need all the other toss up states. To say that Romney needs all the toss up states is inaccurate. There are just too many of them. New states are in play that haven't been in decades. Don't give up, and most importantly; don't believe the liberal media


Well-Known Member
No he said the stimulus was too small back before it even passed. There was improvement from the stimulus,our economy was in free fall and it seemed to blunt that. Add in the GM bailouts and we could have had millions more unemployed right now...that would have been great wouldn't it?
Yes he did say it was too small. He also said the best thing about it was it handled through the states, then changed that to what was wrong with it (other than being too small).

Penske wanted to buy Saturn until the task force scared him off. Those are jobs that are gone that didn't have to be. Profitable dealerships were closed because the dealership did not owe Ally or GMAC anything for the property, those were the dealers that were saved.

You realize GM went bankrupt right? The bailout was a uaw saver, not a job saver. We can start a debate on whether saving the unions was the right thing to do or not, but it's a debate the dishonesty from the left won't allow to happen. The fact of the matter is Delta airlines and Great Lakes Steel are just two examples of bankrupt companies still operating without a bailout. Bankruptsy doesn't mean going out of business sale.

The task force hand picked CEO when they fired Whitaker has stated that our government screwed up by not selling off it's stake with the IPO, this idiocy has cost you and I (taxpayers) over 26B in losses so far. Why did team Obama hold onto such a major share if they really don't want to micromanage the economy?

The GM chest thumping would actually hurt instead of help Obama if people understood business and how opportunistic the administration is being over fantasies.

Obama and the Dems were against the bailouts during Bush, the republicans were against the bailout during Obama. This has no bearing on anything, just pointing out politics.


New Member
No he said the stimulus was too small back before it even passed. There was improvement from the stimulus,our economy was in free fall and it seemed to blunt that. Add in the GM bailouts and we could have had millions more unemployed right now...that would have been great wouldn't it?
Funny thing, the stimulus bill was signed by the president on February 17th 2009, the recession officially ended four months later, obviously way before the stimulus package had a chance to kick in!