I thought he looked a bit odd for a pit bull, but couldn't quite put my finger on it. There's lots of skanky pit bulls (not that don't still love 'em all) around that look different but your dog didn't look like one of them, he looks pure-bred (and well-bred). Damn Latin men, they're all the same. If they share similar temperaments, I may look into getting me one of those D.A.'s. I don't want any pit bulls, my insurance will cancel me.
I wonder what they do if they find out the owner is growing? Hmmmmm...... Next time we chat, have to ask Mittens where in Zurich he does his banking? Make me judgement proof. Got to protect that supply of soup bones for the princess.
Don't ask where the ears came from. She was a stray, or rather, dropped off and abandoned, recently had pups, and had adult heartworms (and was major hyper! -- heartworm treatment means 30 days cage rest except potty breaks on leash!). Anyhoos, I think the ears were transplanted at birth. Otherwise, she looks pretty pit bull.
Awesome video. Almost missed it. Think one reason they're so cool is they are cat-like. Almost like one of the big wild cats, e.g. tigers. I saw the cropped ears, I hope they don't fight 'em. I like the ears better au naturel. Or like my dog's.

Awesome video. Almost missed it. Think one reason they're so cool is they are cat-like. Almost like one of the big wild cats, e.g. tigers. I saw the cropped ears, I hope they don't fight 'em. I like the ears better au naturel. Or like my dog's.