Do You Believe The Way You Feel?


Well-Known Member
your threads dont have much deapth or meaning to them

what are you even trying to say?

i think your either trying to raise your post/thread count/activity or just clutter up RIU

tell me whats the deal, tell me im wrong


Well-Known Member
Most of them are along the lines of "Why is a house?" or "When is purple?".
I think they can probably bring a lot more to the table, even if it's opposing viewpoints.


New Member
I speak at many different levels, one of which is emotion.
We all speak that same flavor of language.
Please take the time to relax, toke, and enjoy YOUR good thoughts.
I explain much in a recent post.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I speak at many different levels, one of which is emotion.
We all speak that same flavor of language.
Please take the time to relax, toke, and enjoy YOUR good thoughts.
I explain much in a recent post.
Are you trying to say "trust" emotion, or believe?

Women tend to operate more on emotion more than men. Men tend to make decisions based on logic.

I tend to not believe (trust) emotion, since most human emotions are based on fear, and impulsive choices are often the wrong choices.

Of course love is also an emotion that encourages people to act... but fear definitely wins out more often than not.


Well-Known Member
I think the point of the posts, although thread density consuming as they may be, are aimed to stand back as the 'observer' or 'the narrator' Only being able to read the story on in a logically feuled manner, yet being able to feel equally, being dragged on through the 'story, so to speak.
In this situation, just answer to what you feel they are/or should be.

So, can you think the way you feel?

You can't think the way you feel, it's your general clash of titans, two extremes opposing one another on the far edges of balance. The key is to Judge things analytically and to feel things emotionally with some consideration to medium. If you cannot feel, you cannot think or interact socially. If you cannot Judge, you lose the ability to analyse, to deduce be it within yourself or within your surroundings, emotionally or analytically in the most suitable manner for yourself and those around you.

I do believe logic is better of the two, but that doesn't mean the one of most importance. Nor the stronger, you react emotionally before logic, it is merely a handling on your logic that allows you to rain in on your emotions and see the grass for what it is, and what it isn't. A healthy share of the two is needed, to understand things, and just as important, especially in the times were in, to understand the people in and with them.


New Member
of something.

Something might be trust of my other beliefs.

An interesting observation is that people very often let their logic run interference with their emotions.


Well-Known Member
I always try to trust my emotions first then if that doesn't work out I'll go with logic. Going with emotion does turn out bad a lot but when it turns out good it's far better than logic could ever be.

Please distribute your flyers if you believe your flyers to be true.



Well-Known Member
Heres how it works from my understanding.
You have an array of tools, information and what have you that through research you are intellectually content in calling them facts - no faith, just evidence.
Only thing you have 'trust' in is the validity of said evidence. <- do to this and open mindedness you can self correct this problem immediately.
You use those facts to deduce what is therein most probable, or logical in those given situations. You can use logic with emotion, and use
emotion with your logic, happens and is needed in a lot of social interaction. Why people are, why people do, why people feel, etc etc.

However, they are not the same, or are not fueled by each other either. You need a good mix.
I consider myself a very emotionally connective person to those around me(although some people will say if this was read that I act nothing of the part.)
I try to feel and place myself in the shoes of all those around me, I love everything and everyone from the bottom of my 'hippie' heart. I always attempt a clean unbias slate within each encounter - there are however logic safes you use, You have to use, otherwise social existence would be broken just as easily as not using emotion at all. Use those logic saves, much, I do every day, however as I've reiterated several times in different threads it's not about being intellectual or emotional it's all about keeping an open mind *and sorry for all the cheese, but* an open heart. The logic and emotion are merely facilitators for this concept, the only real two actually. If you do not leave yourself open to feeling and thinking the way another does, then you're just living
in a world of people you're assuming are like yourself. When they react out of your norm, how do you react? how do you feel? how do you decide?
How unexpected, I'm sure.

Take three people, two close minded, one very logical, one very emotional and one both intellectually and emotionally naive but with an open mind. I truly feel the last has the best chance off in life, because even though they start off with next to nothing, they'll be receptive enough to understand what applies where. and open minded enough to use that information, slowly but surely building a basis of the two which previously lacked.

Close mindedness, to horribly simplify and generalize, in all it's horrible character qualities pretty much makes you unreceptive to difference and change. Without that, you cannot improve, without improvement you're stagnant in an ever changing world, an ever evolving world of information and emotion that you'll soon lose the ability to regain touch with.

The figure of speech comes to mind ' stuck in there own ways ' this is labeled on some of the more elderly when they cannot adapt to modern day concepts and society.
I don't think this comes with age, I think this comes with mindset. The part that comes with age is through that mindset slowly yet eventually losing the ability to regain touch with and comprehend.

It's one of the legitimate fears of man, of the intellectual. Waking up one morning and realizing you could not grow or improve, to realize you were stuck in your ways and could not change. Although it does deteriorate with age, it never goes away but it can, you have to keep an open mind, an open heart and a desire to improve, improve in whatever area, in EVERY area you're involved in. You have one life, do it the best you can, to be the best you can, so you can go out with a bang and be remembered by those you loved and those who loved you. Unless of course regenerative sciences fixes me before then.


Well-Known Member
had to ++rep, you for this one.., you've made a couple other nice one's too, I for some reason don't understand why we get off on the wrong foot.., I guess that is why everybody has their individuality..., Yes, you must be open, in Order to Overstand one another..


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I have nothing against you personally, it's just your multitude of stances, all contradictory to the next give my noggen the aches.
I find myself in agreeable favor with a lot of your views, just disagreeable with a larger amount of views which only contrast the prior.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I have nothing against you personally, it's just your multitude of stances, all contradictory to the next give my noggen the aches.
I find myself in agreeable favor with a lot of your views, just disagreeable with a larger amount of views which only contrast the prior.
I keep hearing stances, and Contrasts. Could you name a few, two, or 1..

and I don't have nothing against anybody on here.. It's just playful jestering and we might learn a little something here or there...
But I do want to hear about these

stances that contradict each other...:roll:

maybe I can clarify them for you...

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I fail to see what closed mindedness has in common with the logical mind.

Let's use love as an example, since this seems to bring out the most emotion in all of us. After all most songs have been written about love, or love lost.

It's too easy to fall in love on feelings (emotoin) alone.

How many folks get married on a feeling, only to spend the next several months getting to know their lover, only to later realize there was no substance, but chemistry? Too many I believe.

I do however think an emotional mind and a logical mind offset each other very well.


Well-Known Member
I fail to see what closed mindedness has in common with the logical mind.

Let's use love as an example, since this seems to bring out the most emotion in all of us. After all most songs have been written about love, or love lost.

It's too easy to fall in love on feelings (emotoin) alone.

How many folks get married on a feeling, only to spend the next several months getting to know their lover, only to later realize there was no substance, but chemistry? Too many I believe.

I do however think an emotional mind and a logical mind offset each other very well.
Green, Yes, this is what I mean when I say to be Neutral.. We often get too consumed in the feeling of Emotional Love.., It is best to lean towards Love, but Not indulge in Love.. Love Stresses the Body, just like Hate Stresses the Body.., although indulgence in Hate tears the person down quicker..

Have you ever been about to go on vacation, to Hawaii perhaps... and you couldn't sleep the whole time the night before... You were stressing your Body with over indulgence of a Good thing.. Hawaii is There it's not going anywhere.., SAve some energy for when You get There..

this was just a subtle notion to show how all emotions can put stress on the Body.., it is not to be without emotion, but not to cling to emotion..

Ever had somebody cut you off in traffic.., and you 5miles down the road still raging at that driver that cut you off.. Let it Go.. Cuss the Bastard Out.., and let it Go.. Emotional release.., then detach..

Animals have a way of doing the same thing.. an example would be a dog.. after being all riled up from playing.. he has so much energy build up he wants to continue.. but when you are ready to stop, he isn't, but he has to detach from that build up energy. and he Shakes it Off.. Similar observations can be made in other animals that disperse of emotional build up as well.. they detach and Move on..

Sorry, for going on and on.., now I will Detach..



Well-Known Member
and you guys said i was wierd .,.,lol.,.,.imsrry but will u provide iman with a list of the drugs uve done so i have a idea of wat to stay away from?please.,.,lol


Well-Known Member
I fail to see what closed mindedness has in common with the logical mind.

Let's use love as an example, since this seems to bring out the most emotion in all of us. After all most songs have been written about love, or love lost.

It's too easy to fall in love on feelings (emotoin) alone.

How many folks get married on a feeling, only to spend the next several months getting to know their lover, only to later realize there was no substance, but chemistry? Too many I believe.

I do however think an emotional mind and a logical mind offset each other very well.
Love is a broken and lost concept in, and save for my choice of words please, 'this day and age.'

Let me ask you, how is that description of modern day love and marriage fit as a solid example of open mindedness? I fail to see nothing more than a fleeting glimpse of the heart, followed by an over zealous infatuation with what we wish that person to be.

Pretty close minded to who this individual was from the get go, wasn't it?