Amen... Well we do about equal out and in. But if you're referring to urca, it's not do you eat out or in more, it's more about what doesn't she eat while out or in.... That's one of the worlds greatest mysteries!!
I very rarely cook food.There's a chinese store right across the street from me and im always getting something from it.
I heard chinese are really stringy, I like Thais personallyI eat Chinese atleast once a week. Usually more.
I heard chinese are really stringy, I like Thais personally
I cook every meal. That way I can control what I put in my body. I don't eat fast food. That shit will kill you.
Amen... Well we do about equal out and in. But if you're referring to urca, it's not do you eat out or in more, it's more about what doesn't she eat while out or in.... That's one of the worlds greatest mysteries!!
starting it up on another thread??? just quit
I usually cook at home.. only chose "I eat out" becuase it was funny.
ps your location is EXCELLENT!!!
ps your location is EXCELLENT!!!