Do You Ever Smoke A Blunt By Yourself?

2 gram blunt? when i roll a blunt its usually about 5 grams or more. 2 grams is more like a 2 paper joint.
Dude I cant even smoke things that have obacco in them.. Ever since I stopped smoking cigs.. Fucking tobacco i hurts my throat and tastes like shit.. FUCK spliffs and all that, its fucked up.
I smoked more blunts in london than Ive ever smoked anywhere else :o ^ They love rolling shit down there lol
yeah its pretty popular in europe. they call it a euro joint. a friend of mine went to college with and made friends with some european transfer students. they put tobacco in and my friend is like wtf are you guys doing?
You might call it a euro joint, we call it a spliff or a zoot. It's the most common way to smoke weed in the EU usually 60% fags, 40% weed rolled in a Rizla. It's a habit I'm personally trying to kick, which is why I decided to grow my own so that I could afford to smoke it ital (pure). Bong's, pipes and vapes are available and widely used in the EU but not as common as the standard spliff.
^ Theres other lavours you can put in your weed that make it taste much better and may add a little better of a buzz, if your trying to kick the habit maybe try putting some different kinds. I know they have some at smokeshops But I've heard blue lotus and passionflower do the trick :D

You might call it a euro joint, we call it a spliff or a zoot. It's the most common way to smoke weed in the EU 60% fags, 40% weed. It's a habit I'm personally trying to kick, which is why I decided to grow my own so that I could afford to smoke it ital (pure). Bong's, pipes and vapes are wavailable and widely used in the EU but not as common as the standard spliff.
Also, lavender tastes good, same with some kitchen spices might do the trick as well! Sage, maybe never tried it but hey!
Cheers, but I'm likely to get a vape or just roll it ital in the interim. Vapes are around £350 for a digital volcano :S
Yeah vapes are not very nice to your wallet, but its true they really do pay for themself in like an oz or two.. Plus they give you a different high, if you smoke bowls while smoking a vape simultaneously youll be the most BAKED motherfucker around tis great!
Really? How I about smoke a vape, bong and eat some firecrackers? :D

Damn.... It's possible I could be the first person to die directly from cannabis misuse lol ^_^
^ Can't say that wasn't something that crossed my min. But I've smoked A LOT at one time in my days, eaten brownies smoked hash and weed all in a course of a hour or two.. It just doesn't happen. theres a point where your so high you don't even notice.. Depressing :(

But yes, have a day where you eat like 3 firecrackers, smoke bongs, and vapes.. youll have a blast :D I, D.A.R.E ,YOU
ha i smoked two skinny blunts kush and afgooey x og kush with my bro and 2 friends..then my bro is a female dog and wont smoke this fat mixed blunt (of the strains above) with me on the way home so i was blowed from 3-7 had the craziest come down EVER ..never smoked that many Ls in my life
I only really smoke blunts on special occassions, seeing as alot of weed goes in there -_-; If I've stashed some wraps away I'll smoke one as a bedtime treat. I smoke 3 times as many to myself that with people. When at bun ups we'd probably run out of steam smoking blunts all night. Getting up to roll another joint every 15 minutes or so stops you just falling asleep and they're quicker and cheaper to put together.

Alternatively I like to roll a blunt with all the weed from my roaches, milking the last of my stash for all it's worth. Flavored wraps cover up the taste of old butts, and obviously help the stretch with the slow burning.
u must not be a frequent smoker because if i were to roll a blunt instead of smoking poppers ( tobacco under green in b )id need to smoke like 4 blunts aha .
jesus I wish I could smoke a whole one by myself.. there is always "can I get a hit off that" person right over my shoulder most of the time.
I can tell blunts effect your lungs more, so I am trying to quit smoking blunts.. but I was introduced into the blunt smoking world where most of my smoking buddies use blunts.

I myself am trying to diversify in my smoking, I learned how to roll my own blunts and I roll a good one, and thats the reason I smoke it in parts, 6 hits gets me at a nice comfortable high I hate over doing anything, especially alcohol I know my limit and I don't try and be a badass and over do it, in the end you just regret it. I smoked a whole blunt and it was too much I didn't enjoy the high.

But it sure is nice trying to make a blunt last all day, smoke it when you wake up, afternoon, and finish it off before dinner. It makes you get your 3 meals, they taste amazing when you're out n about you're more friendly. The best thing about it is you save soo much money... and yes I only smoke 1 grams maybe I am not a heavy smoker but thats really all I need, especially since money is a little low right now.
My blunt freshIMG_1935.jpg

I already hit it like 12-13 times and was high from 9-11:30 then smoked it till this point at 11:30 now I have this for tonight, gets me right.IMG_1939.jpg

After I ash it i just store it in the relo pack keeps it nice and fresh.IMG_1941.jpg