Do You Feel Like Energy?


Well-Known Member
A Quantum Reality
Ironically it was science's unquenchable thirst for breaking things into smaller and smaller pieces that ultimately bought the walls of Newtonian physics tumbling down. As our instruments grew more and more powerful, and we began to probe the subatomic realm -- the supposed "building blocks" of the universe -- scientists came to a staggering realization. In the realm of the very small, Newtonian physics did not hold. In fact, in the realm of the very small, nothing we believed in as solid reality turned out to be true. Solid reality, if we look deep enough, does not seem to exist at all!​


Well-Known Member
Where this gets really weird, is that some physicists now believe that the "force" causing an electron to appear in some particular position --which is only a possibility and does not have to happen -- is the fact that a living consciousness is observing it.
its an interesting read so far


Well-Known Member
So, I put it to you again, your body is not realy there... it is merely the suit trough which the energy that is you, is experiencing this world.
I have often thought of it as a borrowed vehicle. And that our brains are just a modem through which reality is demodulated in order to have the experiences that we do. Either way, that article was a great read. Wish I could rep for that one.


Active Member
Maybe this should have been posted in spirituality but my brothers this is directed at are in this section....

Im not sure I can explain this right.. but I feel like im energy.

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trappped or riding in my body, its most apparent to me when I think to my self in my head... or trying to solve problems... its like theres this energy me inside my shell(body) though my body has a conciseness of its own and they interact when im thinking
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many times my body's conciseness takes over like if im talking to other people or swimming or anything physical normally, then sometimes I zone or lose my self or something and its the energy thats in controll..... of thought.. sometimes body goes on like auto pilot...

I wonder if or when it will escape
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Any one else feel this way, or even feel something completely different.
yes, all the time, i think it's called being alive. read a good book on psychology or even take a psychology class. very interesting shit you would never think you would learn. the study of behavior and mental processes, but really, it's so much more


Well-Known Member
the only thing is... its not nessacarily my belief.... I literally feel it.. hence why I cant explain it. its not something i've read or been told how to feel, I just feel it or more.... it feels me.... MaYbe iM LoOsinG iT lol

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member

I think of my body as a Vehicle in sort of virtual environment more as a ...

Electromagnetic Dendritic Object

where ...

We do not see the world, we use any clue that our senses can provide us to build a virtual analog model of the world on the dendrites

  • Neurons learn to contribute to the circuit to build a distributed dendritic object
  • The circuitry provides the rules to build and animate dendritic objects
  • Advanced cognition is the ability to run a simulation of the model into the future to optimize adaptation
  • Different brains can learn to build a similar model
  • Animals see the world differently because they build it differently, based on major differences in the brains capabilities
Spikes as animators of perceptions

  • Spikes emitted on top of dendritic perceptual waves
  • Minimize the number of spikes used as we learn to transfer just the required information
We use spikes to transfer the minimum information required to change or transfer perceptions

  • Perceptions before the spike
  • Resting potentials contribute to perceptions
In this light ... as we change the chemical composition of the brain thus stimulating these senses ..... we are able to shift planes/realities and perceptions.

Everything is energy. Some can tap into it some can't.


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Often I feel .... when I am under ..... as i am watching myself through the eyes of someone else I have become ...hmmm
Perhaps this is similar to your concept ... D



Well-Known Member
Often I feel .... when I am under ..... as i am watching myself through the eyes of someone else I have become ...hmmm
Perhaps this is similar to your concept ... D

I think you could say its simular..

its almost like double consciousness, one currently running my body, talking to people and things, one inside only i can tap into, separate from the one others interact with.... sorta of deeper disconnected from this reality/ but more connected, to maybe a higher state of being.... I just cant explain it really.

trapped in a body. sort of like my spirit, is my consciousness, trapped in a body witch has its own human personality traits, emotions, thoughts combined with those of my "spirit"



Well-Known Member
there's times when i feel like im inside my body. like my body is just something housing the energy that is "me", and i yearn to be free from this vessel. wanting to flow into all that is the universe and feel the complete knowledge that is the unknowable


Well-Known Member
The idea of the body as a vessel is an interesting one when juxtaposed by the possibilities of reincarnation; thereby, we could experience everything (over the course of the existence of the universe) from everyone's perspective. Each lifetime, switching to a new vessel. Eventually at the end of the universe, we will know all the knowledge attainable. We will have stood in everyone's footsteps, and will be able to be complete.

But what do I know...

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
sometimes I worry that it may be some underlying mental illness.
I have always held the belief that 'mental illness' is nothing but the manifestation of a superior species being created through evolution. :) I have been labeled Bi-Polar and Schizoaffective by various psychiatrists and Neurologists. :) May just be wishful thinking.