Do you get high?

An hour and 15 minutes into 150mg.(2 capsules) and the music is drilling huge holes in my brain and the text is starting to run and drip off the computer screen. Whew;; this will burn like this for a solid 3 hours and then a toke of Hash will boot it in the ass and I'll be all ripped to shit again for 2 hours. Repeat as needed and be zooooomed all day.
Mother in law has COPD, she had to spend 3 wks in a facility for recovery due to low sulpher and sodium content in her blood. All her mineral levels were good except those and she couldn’t walk or support herself physically. Diet change turned her around. No more alcohol, less red meat, more poultry. More veggies and daily allotment of water. Thought she was not gonna make it. 1 1/2 yrs later she is healthier than she has been in 20 yrs.
Glad to hear your MIL is doing better.
TY, I will share this with wife for sure.
50 years of use had left me like most of you unable to get a really good stone on
Wow, 50 yrs, like us. Thing is she/we don't want edible. Too long to get off, and high lasts too long.
Maybe someday she will have to eat, and I think then she'll probly just say no. But who knows. TY for
the ideas, tho. Another thing that i've tried is tinctures, at both dispo level and i made some, but they all fail.
I'm new at extract/decarb, etc., so hopefully I can refine my process. Make a tinc out of extract or kief or something.
She might try it if I try it and I report a good effect. I said "might". She's finicky as hell, that woman of mine, whom I love so. :)
@Killaki If she uses marijuana in excess, all the time, then that will become her "normal" state of being. Typically, getting high is when you alter your normal state of being. She can't get high because she's already high.

Have her try a day of vigorous exercise without using marijuana.
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E rigs get me fried compared to torch rigs. Made me think I could do a gram in one sitting when in reality, 1 or 2 dabs out of a puffco will have me good enough.

I find there are levels of use. Just enough to feel it, moderately stoned and then tapped out.

In stead of quitting, that can work out just as good. Then there is always tapering down/quiting for a day or week to make more of all sessions on occasion.

The lower levels of stoning can accour when big portions of the day pass by like work or school, recreational activities, house work etc. Highest use is when I have nothing to do. Or before doing something.. “Have you tried doing that.. on weeeed?”

I find that getting maxed out too many times in one day either has negative symptoms or get smoked sober and building a high tolerance which can describe the sensation in original post, IME.
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