do you guys have to wait till weed hits in?


Well-Known Member
when im smoking with somebody theyre always gets high first joint is finished but i have to wait like 5 minutes after joint is done to get high.. it seems weird that im the only one like this i know..

do you guys have to wait till weed hits you or you get high while smoking?


Well-Known Member
It doesn't hit me to the end of my blunt and this is dank weed boy. No weeds found out in mommas back yard. shit mids wont even buzz me untill 20 minutes after but your like "oh yeah I smoked" not like "damn Im fucked up". You actually gotta remind yourself you smoked 20 minutes ago.
well when i first started it took about 30 minutes before my body noticed the THC and started reacting... but it wore off after about a month of smoking and now i feel it instantly (than again i use a popper* not joints... but it shouldnt matter to muchh [except for me personally... i find that joints dont phase me at all its sad :(] )

DIY bong-like invention developed in Orangeville, ON.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
joints for me, i get nothing until the joint is evenly, nicely, propperly burning, normally bout .5-1cm down, after that, most tokes will be instantaneous, and that'll sttay with me a while


Active Member
all about the quality of the bud for me,had killer stuff where im blazed out of my face after 4 tokes on a joint and its so potent i have to let it sit for a while,then normally its finish an entire joint and then start to feel slightly stoned,as i said,all about the quality of the bud for me


Well-Known Member
bong! damn good old days! i havent tried bong for more than two years.... :( but yes, i feel that joints isnt the best smoking way for me ...


Well-Known Member
Well lets see right now... Im sober as I type this its 11:47.

Now its 11:48 and i just smoked a bowl that was probably only like .2 plus a big scoop of keif. Already feeling slight affects.

Just smoked another one and its 11:50, yeah im stoned now for sure.

Just smoked my third little bowl, and its 11:51. Now im actually pretty damn high hahahah. So I guess it takes like 2-3 minutes for me.