Do you guys prefer dabs or weed?

Sorry about that, I'm a little buzzed. I meant a month (corrected my post).

To be fair, I'm pretty gracious with smoking friends up. I don't always like to smoke alone.
But still, I can go through an ounce or two a month and that sucks for my wallet compared to legal.

I feel ya with the smoking with friends thing. I absolutely HATE smoking alone but sometimes it just has to be done. And I don't gotta worry about my wallet because if my first grow works out nicely I plan on doing a larger scale grow with clones.
I feel ya with the smoking with friends thing. I absolutely HATE smoking alone but sometimes it just has to be done. And I don't gotta worry about my wallet because if my first grow works out nicely I plan on doing a larger scale grow with clones.

Yeah, it can be nice once in a while. I like to smoke with people and then smoke a bowl or three alone before I pass out.
Good luck on your grow, I'm considering it too. Probably not until I figure out my move situation though.
Yeah, it can be nice once in a while. I like to smoke with people and then smoke a bowl or three alone before I pass out.
Good luck on your grow, I'm considering it too. Probably not until I figure out my move situation though.

I have high hopes for my plant but I don't know what its going to end turn out to be. I collect bagseed so it could be anything from Silver Haze to White Rhino or Reggie.
I have high hopes for my plant but I don't know what its going to end turn out to be. I collect bagseed so it could be anything from Silver Haze to White Rhino or Reggie.

Strain names mean literally nothing to me haha. I've always just bought whatever's around.
Another reason I can't wait to buy legit.
Flowers are clearly the best way to smoke if you haven't figured that out will eventually...I'm not saying it not nice to put some hash on a bowl tho