Sure I can confirm it doesn't.I'm reading that the HLG Scorpion Diablo runs quite hot, can anyone confirm this?
I hesitate between the Mammoth 880W and the Diablo X. Not sure if de Diablo is the best choice in a grow tent with limited height and if true, way more heat than bar-style light.
I also have my eye on the Grand Master Led Tarantula Borg Evolution with a 4-channel tuneable spectrum, looks sick and same price as the Diablo's.

These are both my X's Flower #2 is currently running at 40% and the 75.2 degree is at 80%. I keep a fan running on them to strengthen them and mix the air so there are no hot spots. It's the same thing I do with my HPF4K (450ish watt bar light). Essentially watts are watts, that 800+ will run hotter if you run more watts through it. That is push pull and we all need fans.
Sorry, I didn't answer if it was the right choice for your short tent. The answer is for a short tent less than 5x5 it (and the 880) are way too much unless you are buying them as upgrade lights and plan a taller/larger space and will run them both at lower power. I hope that helps.
Honestly I'm sure the 880 will give great results and I'm looking forward to seeing it grow.
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