Do You Have a Nemesis?

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I am my own worst enemy... now that's not to say that I won't develop one on RIU someday, or maybe I already have and don't know it... stay high
Shit... I didn't realise we were talking about on RIU... if that is so I might have one or two, I don't know... anyone that actually seriously starts to bother me I just put on my ignore list... This site could be full of hate for me from some of the dickheads that I've had opposing views to and I would have no idea at all...


Well-Known Member
I guess the true answer would be ones self huh?
Thats my nemesis haha

as far as other people go though, Ive 'hated' people before but it just causes a bunch of unneeded ruckuss.


Well-Known Member
Do ex-wives count?

Because I'm fairly certain mine wants me dead, or at least disappeared.

And all I did was put her through Law School.