Do you have a secret ingredient?


Well-Known Member
fresh comfrey cut into slivers topdressed with vermicompost
melts into natures perfect mix of nutrients and it's avail almost overnight.
less is better
nothing will grow a crop more tasty than homemade compost, kelp, alfalfa and comfrey.
water only, start to finish

Mason Jar 92705

Well-Known Member
My one time ‘secret ingredient’….
One tablespoon of my brother in law’s ashes. He was a grower too and I honored him by mixing a tablespoon of his ashes into my Subcool super soil mix and let it cook over summer. I can only hope someone would do the same for me when I pass.

5 watt diode

Well-Known Member
Today I went Into the woods and looked for fallen trees that have rotted into finished compost. Usually from termites. I collected 20 gallons and will let it compost some more for a few months. Then. Make a type of super soil. Then let that sit again until bringing it inside.


I own a pet rabbit that is house trained and uses a little box like a cat. My rabbit poops in a little tray and the pellets pile up prefectly, staying nice and dry. So, basically, I have a manure factory living in my house.

Rabbit Manure is my secret ingredient. I grind it up in a coffee grinder and it looks and behaves just like good soil ! Great to make teas or to add directly to the soil. My plants seem to love it. (I go easy with it)


Well-Known Member
fresh comfrey cut into slivers topdressed with vermicompost
melts into natures perfect mix of nutrients and it's avail almost overnight.
less is better
nothing will grow a crop more tasty than homemade compost, kelp, alfalfa and comfrey.
water only, start to finish
I've never heard of comfrey, so i searched it and found this

conor c

Well-Known Member
My one time ‘secret ingredient’….
One tablespoon of my brother in law’s ashes. He was a grower too and I honored him by mixing a tablespoon of his ashes into my Subcool super soil mix and let it cook over summer. I can only hope someone would do the same for me when I pass.
I know quite a few old school growers who's ashes went the same way as per there wishes ya gotta respect that man


Secret weapon is tissue testing. And the knowledge to extract usable data.

It was easy to stumble across. My perfectly balanced indoor soil would make 4 square feet of random 2 week old seedlings stink up 2000 square feet of building space. Water only, this perfectly balanced soil grew record breaking yields. And the quality absolutely sucked. Because a perfectly balanced soil uses all its nutrients to grow massive plants and massive yields, and then it's depleted. If you grow water-only and have acceptable quality, you have poor yields, otherwise your soil would be depleted and you'd be hitting 4 grams a watt like me.

Tissue tests won't tell you the oxidation state of iron active or inactive. It will tell you if calcium was being over accumulated at some point. 10% Ca in leaf tissue means you have wasted 5 months worth of Ca in the past month.
Same with heavy metals. It will tell you that you probably can't tell the difference between most mobile nutrient deficiencies by looking at a weed stoner bro art piece chart. It will tell you that you completely ignore immobile nutrient symptoms in the new growth. (pot growers don't know that weird looking troll hair tuft at the top of every branch is supposed to look like tiny little weed leaves, not a tuft of troll pubes). You can learn which deficiencies are actually toxicities. Been growing since the 70s and people still can't figure out why [Immobile] calcium deficiency has spots on the lower leaves. Or why adding Ca by itself without magnesium will make "Ca deficiency" worse. Do a tissue test. Loaded full of immobile calcium and excess Mn because you wasted all your calcium in physiologically inactive calcite structures.

People need data to prove these things to them, as they can't read the signs of imperfect plants if they've never grown perfect plants before.

conor c

Well-Known Member
It's funny the little traditions we have with regards to our weed one grower I used to know rip had a wee poodle was his wife's dog meant to be but it liked him better so in the divorce he gets the dog lol anyway that little dog was his tester every grow he would give the dog a raw bud if the dog ate it it was good if it spat it out it wasn't good enough that always cracked me up cos the dog was actually bang on in judging it obviously it didn't get high from eating a tiny bit undecarbed


Fluffy friend with growing benefits

Yes, they eat their own poop, its normal. And no, the poop is nothing like ours. (looks and feels just like cocoa puffs) We feed out rabbit Spring mix, Cilantro and Kale, twice daily along with timothy hay for snacks in between meals...

Our Rabbit is litter trained and roams freely in our home... Yep, they use a litter box just like a cat does with a lot less mess... They love a good petting and purr when you pet them. They are very sweet animals.

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Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Oh this is another thing I use. Basically a microbial tea. Oath Soil Life.

Here’s various studies on various plants. Although cannabis isnt there hemp is (3rd Table)

Shows some quite impressive results!

My ingredient is Aloe Ferox, the African family of Aloe Vera.

Aloe Ferox has been scientifically proven to contain double the amino acids and twenty times more antioxidants than Aloe Vera.

I take 1 large Aloe Vera Leaf (Fresh of tree) and 2 smaller Aloe Ferox Leaves (Fresh of tree) and blend all in a 1 Ltr blender, then I add the pulp to 5ltr watering can and each 200Ltr grow bag gets 1 can once a week. The Girls start praying about 10 minutes after watering with this concoction.

  • 28% higher in Aloin
  • 36% higher in Amino Acids
  • 20 times more Bitter Sap, which is where the healing properties, anti-oxidant and viral stimulate.
  • Lower Aloin content
  • Lower Amino Acids content
  • Less Bitter Sap