I have no regrets at all, this will go down as a very memorable part of my life. I am part of history, part of a movement, a revolution. You will see when you become legal. From day 21 walking into my first legal MMJ compassion club coming out blazed as all hell its all so sureal at first - This is michigan? I thought it was holland without the bicycles, no this is america, freedom and liberty let it ring, don't pass up the chance to be a part of something great or you will regret to have no storys from this time in history.
Sure, In those hours that I have smoked a bit to much haze I have had those second thoughts and fears of 'the man' or what I could be getting myself into, is it all worth the risk? Well...Your damn right it is worth the very small risk....to live life to the fullest - to get a taste of freedom - to be a part of history - to be on the cutting edge of a new industry - a chance to live the american dream riding the wave of a new industry by its teeth - hell yea its worth it..every second of it, even those g13 haze induced paranoia momments when for a second I might consider to cut down my whole grow room in fear of persecution...living with fear it gets you no where, to deny the opressors opression..its a good feeling, to be a part of a community that really cares about the people, a team that is is focused on a goal and not on politics, it sure is something you do not see much these days.