its cool i just like killing thingsFixed. I'm worried about DSB though. I thought he&I were cool. cn
I don't think they are protected from bullets..thought polar bears were protected...i get pissed when people kill brown or black bears too
cry me a riverthought polar bears were protected...i get pissed when people kill brown or black bears too
The idea of being with a woman is so foreign to me. I just don't/can't understand it.
meh one time when i was like 16, some chick pecked me on the lips in the locker room. like barely brushed lips. she did it for a reaction... i just sat there stupefied. did this chick really just kiss me while im changing? Lol i was in shock all day, not sure to be upset or be like just brush it off.
I just ignored it, and yeah... it was weird
im a grow man....dammit dsb who gave you the key to the liquor cabinet?
grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
im a grow man....
but i am fucked upyeah i know you're a grow man dsb.
its funny you never say much to meyeah i know you're a grow man dsb.
its funny you never say much to me
i not always drunk.........but you never say much to i not good here to stayi've only been back on for a few days, you know i love your drunken ass.