Do you hope there is more?

I hope there is an afterlife, but think there probably isn't. Isn't in the sense that we continue as a similar form to what we are now.

Is an afterlife, in the sense that we. at a minimum. turn to compost and from the compost a part of us becomes part of things of the future, just as we are composed of old dead things from the past.
On a personal level do you hope there is an afterlife? Somewhere that our spirit/life energy goes to a greater state of consciousness. Or do you hope that this is it and it just ends like a lightswitch turning off?

Cant get rid of something that has no form. Consciousness.

All our personal traits die. What makes our personality? Quite simple. Past. Is a new born personalised? Not yet. But they have character. There’s a difference between character and personality. Personalities are acquired through living while character is ingrained in the psyche of the individual.

When we die our consciousness simply retracts into the vast consciousness of Earth. It’s a human condition to see things as separate identities. Which is ironic for if you consider space to be part of existence then nothing is actually separated. Mushrooms/psychedelics reveal this.

The truth is it’s all one consciousness in every living life form.

What’s the point of life on Earth, existence? To make life more conscious. Whatever that entails
I can certainly see the comfort in the idea of an afterlife, but I don't believe in one. If I could have it my way I suppose I would choose to have my consciousness continue on after my body dies, but it would depend on what the nature of that existence would be. I'm pretty positive I wouldn't want it to be forever though. eternal awareness sounds exhausting.
We didn’t have a say in being here (that we can remember, anyway) and to me that says that we don’t have a say in the afterlife’s potential existence. We were all at one time mere potential, after conscious awareness it seems to me to be the same deal, potential.