do you know rc's??


Well-Known Member
Hey haven't been on the forums for a while ( feel fairly comfortable with his knowledge of the growth of that lovely herb)but over the last few months i have been investigating and aquiring some of the rc's namely 2cb and is now interested in getting some 2ce. If i'm correct in guessing the first vendor (currently on holiday???), could anyone report on purchases and reliabilty.
Thanks in advance, your fellow greenthumb :bigjoint:.
Hey haven't been on the forums for a while (swim feels fairly comfortable with his knowledge of the growth of that lovely herb)but over the last few months swim has been investigating and aquiring some of the rc's namely 2cb and is now interested in getting some 2ce. If i'm correct in guessing the first vendor (currently on holiday???), could anyone report on purchases and reliabilty.
Thanks in advance, your fellow greenthumb :bigjoint:.
Your post has me slightly confused.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
My question... who the fuck is SWIM?

Just playing... seriously, use I or me... It's a lot easier to read.

Then we don't have to go to SWIY, SWIT, SWIH, etc.

Besides, you're the one posting, why would you never post anything about SWIY, with the I for "IS" ???


Well-Known Member
SWIM keeps me out of troublewith the police as I do not have the intention of consuming these goods but SWIM might. Paranoid maybe but better safe than sorry! (Live in the UK with no analouge laws so buying the products is fine but consuming them or intent makes them illegal, i.e my intention with them is to test them on rats to see the long term physical effect but SWIM is consuming for human research)

Brevity was it the use of swim that confused you or was it the question asked as he was wondering if anyone had used this particular company to good results?