It is very difficult to really describe (IMHO), once you do it you understand exactly what everyone means.. but until then it is hard to grasp (I'll try to give examples).
It is not the type of "visual" substance that we expect from a psychedelic.. and it doesn't really give off too amazing OEV's until high dosages, but it is most definitely visual in some sense.
I had blown ~10mg's 2c-e (so equivalent of about 17.5 oral)
I was staring at my friends floor (which is like tiled carpet) and ever so slowly it morphed into patterned tiles (floral patterns with a fleur-de-lis in the middle). It happened so slowly and smoothly, I had not noticed that the tiles were not patterned to begin with. The walls were not breathing, things were not vibrating, there were very little distortions really, colors were slightly off and slightly enhanced at the same time. So honestly, nothing spectacular in the visual department (yet).
Anyway, the real joy of 2c-e.. the head trip. It is quite strange, you can definitely feel it.. like something is trippy but you can't put a finger on it! I found it was rather difficult to make sentences come out normal (but I was informed by everyone I talked to that they had no idea I was tripping). A weird thing in its own.. in my own mind i sound like I am making no sense, but everyone around me understands me perfectly clear.
There is a definite feeling that 2c-e produces.. a high that I can relate from the few times I have done it, as in, the actual "high" (not the visuals nor the thoughts), are similar from time to time. The things you notice on 2c-e are amazing.. they can be miniscule details up to life-altering, mind blowing profundities.
People say there is "head space" on 2C-E.. once you experiment with it, you will fully grasp it

The amount of introspection is nearly unrivaled by anything I have ever touched. It created a sense of inner peace, and allows you to see every aspect of yourself (whether good or bad) without criticism; it gives you the ability to learn about yourself and to see your strength and weaknesses (hence, strengthening your weaknesses) without tearing yourself to pieces.
Really a great substance, I could go on for a while.. really though I would pick some up to try out