Do you know uptight people?


Well-Known Member
Square butts are funny. Maybe we are a little acclimated to the sex thing. I honestly just laughed at the big square butts.


Well-Known Member
using sex to sell kids meals is about as wrong as it gets. :cuss:

agreed.. now if you wanna sell me a stripper burger on the xstacy channel.. then ya know.. please, by all means.. but i'd rather not associated little jimmy's kiddie meal with some hot booty action..


Well-Known Member
using sex to sell kids meals is about as wrong as it gets. :cuss:
You're kidding?

Where is the sex? Do human girls have square butts? Are kids watching a show call Spongebob SQUARE PANTS? Do kids love butt jokes? YES.

My nephews and cosins talk about butts and farts, stinky butts, fat butts... BUT I know they have no concept of butts with relation to sexuality and that commercial is not going to make that tie for them. They laughed at that commercial like I did.

FYI, I was young when sirmixalots song was initially famous and I had no clue it was a sexual song....

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
the bk one was good. I beleived in her message. ah, who cares about the square pants meal. I wonder what kids think.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
You're kidding?

Where is the sex? Do human girls have square butts? Are kids watching a show call Spongebob SQUARE PANTS? Do kids love butt jokes? YES.

My nephews and cosins talk about butts and farts, stinky butts, fat butts... BUT I know they have no concept of butts with relation to sexuality and that commercial is not going to make that tie for them. They laughed at that commercial like I did.

FYI, I was young when sirmixalots song was initially famous and I had no clue it was a sexual song....

kids take their cues from adults. you must like buts, lol, jk


Well-Known Member
kids take their cues from adults. you must like buts, lol, jk
It is actually funny cause their parents are sticks in the mud and they have these kids that are the complete opposite. Funny, and full of life. They fart as loud as they can and laugh as hard as they can and their parents get PISSSSSED.

I do like nice asses. Not gonna lie about that. Burger King had nothing to do with it.


Well-Known Member
I too was a kid when sirmixalots song hit the radiowaves, and I knew right away what he was talkin about.. but i'm an assman.. always have been.. I look at ass's like you look people in teh eye's... I don;t know where our relationship will be headed until I see you walkin

My point is, that even at a young age, some kid's know alittle bit more than most.. and while in your house you may not discuss sex around the kid's, what about little billy with the alchoholic perverted daddy who cant just see a nice lookin woman and leave it alone at that, or "damn, she's hot".. but instead has to elaborate on her fine-ness and how he'd lick her from crack to to bud.. and then billy take's those words to school with him, share's that with Timmy who, has an older brother or sister who isn't the sharpest tac in the box, ask's 'em what that is, and said brothe ror sister is more than happy to explain just what Billy's simple father's words meant.. then Timmy come's back to school and shares said information with Billy, Sarah, Tommy and so on and so on until you come in one day and find your two sweet children just trying to find out what the big deal is..

So, you have to think about the affects of the butterfly's wings.. Innocent as it may be, the world love's to pervert the innocent.. take that for what it's worth.. but take a minute to think about it..


Well-Known Member
You're kidding?

Where is the sex? Do human girls have square butts? Are kids watching a show call Spongebob SQUARE PANTS? Do kids love butt jokes? YES.

My nephews and cosins talk about butts and farts, stinky butts, fat butts... BUT I know they have no concept of butts with relation to sexuality and that commercial is not going to make that tie for them. They laughed at that commercial like I did.

FYI, I was young when sirmixalots song was initially famous and I had no clue it was a sexual song....

"booty is booty"

yeah, whatever. :roll:


Well-Known Member
I too was a kid when sirmixalots song hit the radiowaves, and I knew right away what he was talkin about.. but i'm an assman.. always have been.. I look at ass's like you look people in teh eye's... I don;t know where our relationship will be headed until I see you walkin

My point is, that even at a young age, some kid's know alittle bit more than most.. and while in your house you may not discuss sex around the kid's, what about little billy with the alchoholic perverted daddy who cant just see a nice lookin woman and leave it alone at that, or "damn, she's hot".. but instead has to elaborate on her fine-ness and how he'd lick her from crack to to bud.. and then billy take's those words to school with him, share's that with Timmy who, has an older brother or sister who isn't the sharpest tac in the box, ask's 'em what that is, and said brothe ror sister is more than happy to explain just what Billy's simple father's words meant.. then Timmy come's back to school and shares said information with Billy, Sarah, Tommy and so on and so on until you come in one day and find your two sweet children just trying to find out what the big deal is..

So, you have to think about the affects of the butterfly's wings.. Innocent as it may be, the world love's to pervert the innocent.. take that for what it's worth.. but take a minute to think about it..
Yeah, but that isn't BK's doing...


Well-Known Member
Man that's NOTHING ...

When I was in Paris they had naked lipstick lesbians selling orange juice on tv commercials.

As a culture we're 'hypersexualized' by the fear of sex. Most people don't realize that the more objection there is to displays of sexuality the more 'taboo' it becomes and therefore more interesting to youth and teenagers.
Exact same thing with drugs and alcohol.

A couple of my friends are raising their kids with this kind of philosophy that there will be nothing taboo in their house. They won't lash out against anything and their kids are crazy innocent. (13 - 15 and 17) and their all smoke, drink, and sex free kids yet NONE of that stuff has ever been 'criminalized' in their house. They simply don't find it interesting, because it's not taboo to them.

It was funny as hell we took them to see The Rocky Horror Stage Show when it toured our area. We all got in costume and actually got invited to watch the show on the stage. During the Janet, Rocky sex scene which the actors went very explicit in their performance all three kids were beet red and covering their eyes. I never thought I'd see teenager embarrassed by theater sex but these three literally have no interest in it because it was never 'bad' in their house. The funny thing is that when their 17 year old son went to his mom asking 'how to get a date' they sent him to me because they got together as a couple when they were 14 and never dated anyone else or even asked people on dates. The phone call was like that, "Can you teach my son how to pickup women, his dad and I are clueless and this boy needs to get out."

Kind of freaky how all the people who freak out about commercials and sex on TV are the ones with kids that get knocked up at 15. Yet those who tell their kids that sex is a normal part of life and something to be enjoyed when their ready find their kids are virgins until college.



Well-Known Member
no, but it's BK contributing to it.. i'm not blaming BK.. i'm saying, the people who put this kinda shit on TV, along with the other shit thatson TV in places you sometimes wouldnt expect it.. arent helping when someone actually does try to raise their child and keep them away from adult themes and, as my mom would say, "grown folks business".. I mean you pretty much have to lock your child in a box and spoon feed 'em everything to keep 'em from being perverted by the images the world shoot at 'em.. I mean, even if you do put it on PBS and leave it.. there's still commercials and radio, children at school.. at the park.. friends and family.. so it's fuckin hard.. make's me kinda glad I don't have any kids...

Back in the day, a simple "cover your eye's" would suffice, now days it's "cover your eye's, your ears.. go to yoru room and shut the blinds.. gimme the key and get in your box.. it's 9am and you know you cant watch TV after 9am or before 8:30am.. it's ridiculous.. have you wtached primetime television.. I remember when you could wtach ABC with the kids and not worry.. try it now and see what kinda questions you get or the look on their faces and then ask 'em about it later.. it maybe done in a way that only you and I get it.. now.. but in a few days, 8 year old sarah and 8 year old billy know what it meant too... at some point u gotta draw a line or something..


Well-Known Member
Man that's NOTHING ...

When I was in Paris they had naked lipstick lesbians selling orange juice on tv commercials.

As a culture we're 'hypersexualized' by the fear of sex. Most people don't realize that the more objection there is to displays of sexuality the more 'taboo' it becomes and therefore more interesting to youth and teenagers.
Exact same thing with drugs and alcohol.

A couple of my friends are raising their kids with this kind of philosophy that there will be nothing taboo in their house. They won't lash out against anything and their kids are crazy innocent. (13 - 15 and 17) and their all smoke, drink, and sex free kids yet NONE of that stuff has ever been 'criminalized' in their house. They simply don't find it interesting, because it's not taboo to them.

It was funny as hell we took them to see The Rocky Horror Stage Show when it toured our area. We all got in costume and actually got invited to watch the show on the stage. During the Janet, Rocky sex scene which the actors went very explicit in their performance all three kids were beet red and covering their eyes. I never thought I'd see teenager embarrassed by theater sex but these three literally have no interest in it because it was never 'bad' in their house. The funny thing is that when their 17 year old son went to his mom asking 'how to get a date' they sent him to me because they got together as a couple when they were 14 and never dated anyone else or even asked people on dates. The phone call was like that, "Can you teach my son how to pickup women, his dad and I are clueless and this boy needs to get out."

Kind of freaky how all the people who freak out about commercials and sex on TV are the ones with kids that get knocked up at 15. Yet those who tell their kids that sex is a normal part of life and something to be enjoyed when their ready find their kids are virgins until college.


Well then if the rest of the world is doing it, it must be ok...

Hell, for that matter I hear crack is pretty popular amongst the crackheads.. I mena, thats a whole population of people doing it, that too must be ok... and we cant forget murder.. hell in africa men just come in and take women and young small girls and rape 'em... so thats cool too right? I mean, africa is doing it for christ sake...


Well-Known Member
no, but it's BK contributing to it.. i'm not blaming BK.. i'm saying, the people who put this kinda shit on TV, along with the other shit thatson TV in places you sometimes wouldnt expect it.. arent helping when someone actually does try to raise their child and keep them away from adult themes and, as my mom would say, "grown folks business".. I mean you pretty much have to lock your child in a box and spoon feed 'em everything to keep 'em from being perverted by the images the world shoot at 'em.. I mean, even if you do put it on PBS and leave it.. there's still commercials and radio, children at school.. at the park.. friends and family.. so it's fuckin hard.. make's me kinda glad I don't have any kids...

Back in the day, a simple "cover your eye's" would suffice, now days it's "cover your eye's, your ears.. go to yoru room and shut the blinds.. gimme the key and get in your box.. it's 9am and you know you cant watch TV after 9am or before 8:30am.. it's ridiculous.. have you wtached primetime television.. I remember when you could wtach ABC with the kids and not worry.. try it now and see what kinda questions you get or the look on their faces and then ask 'em about it later.. it maybe done in a way that only you and I get it.. now.. but in a few days, 8 year old sarah and 8 year old billy know what it meant too... at some point u gotta draw a line or something..
If you have puritanical views and insist that babies come from a stork from god, and that nobody partakes in premarital sex; than maybe the t.v. isn't the right device to have in your home.

Even kids movies by Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks have ADULT humor. Dirty jokes that kids dont even understand. Literally over their head. I guess they should take those jokes out too...


Well-Known Member
no, it's right there, sometimes colored red so you can find it easily.. but sometime's we all like to sit back, and unwind while watching some TV.. didn;t realise this was a sin or a bad thing..

and your soloution, turn off the television, I have already covered.. I.E putting your children in a box.. is that really the solution? to hover over them? why cant I just sit 'em donw infront of cartoon network for like an hour or two while I get some shit done?

so because I have kid's i'm no longer allowed to wtach television from the time they wake up until they go outside.. which as all parents know, is the time you take to stop and "whoa.. what tha fuck.. whew!.. ok.. now to get some real shit done" and then when they go to bed? I mean come on dude, I dodn;t even have kid's and I know that's just the dumbest shit any one person that doesnt wear a bicycle helmet for protection even when not on a bike could have ever said