Do you leave your ruck fan on 24/7?


Well-Known Member
no, i keep mine on the same time schedule as my lights. usually when it gets around halfway thru flower and the smell is getting strong i'll have it set to turn on for 15 mins every hour

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Mines been running constantly for a few years now without an issue. I grow smelly weed and 20 minutes without any ventilation and every floor of the building stinks to high heaven.


Active Member
Mine is on all the time the lights are and for an hour after, then on and off throughout dark periods, but my last grow wasn't so smelly so didn't stink the place out when they were off, just added a little wiff on top of the smoke :P


Well-Known Member
Same as turnin your ruk off could lead to unwanted smells being noticed by peeps u dont want to smell it at the end of the day its pulling fresh air into your room as it filters unwanted air out so your not gonna b gainin much by turnin it off bar a few £ from the hole grow period!!
no, i keep mine on the same time schedule as my lights. usually when it gets around halfway thru flower and the smell is getting strong i'll have it set to turn on for 15 mins every hour
Wow, that's a really great idea man I never actually thought about doing that, I may do that as my humidity during the night hours (when the ruck isn't running) is not very good.
Mines been running constantly for a few years now without an issue. I grow smelly weed and 20 minutes without any ventilation and every floor of the building stinks to high heaven.
How's the electric bill dude?, I always seem to think that a ruck running 24/7 will send my electric bill through the roof.