I love you guys I like all the movies you like even.... The evil dead series are on the top of the list for me the OG's the new one was meh....I also liked that other one Ramis did recently Hell something or whatever where the dumb bitch gets cursed with the Larmia by the Growans

As for zombies Land of the Dead was my fav cause Dennis Hopper pokes his nose and says "Zombies man they freak me out" Love it

Ive always been afraid of the Exorcist does that make me a control freak?
Most scared I ever was from a movie?

The SHINNING - but the stupid made-for-tv remake with the douche from Wings...hahahahahaha

Magical mushrooms may have played a part....but when that woman come out of the bathtub...I didn't sleep for daaaaaaays.

I couldn't even touch the VHS tape it was recorded on for years! (off of tv, and WITH commercials; which is the way it was in the olden times - when someone didn't nicely edit your free download...I digress...)

that shit fucked me up. hahaha
The only movie i ever watched on shrooms was winnie the poo I lflipped my shit when he lands in the mud puddle and spits out the bees, freaked me out for hours lol

I did eat some really intense brownies and watched jeepers creepers scared the shit out of me when he started ramming the car in his ugly as car thing that was in the theatre to many many moons ago
The only movie i ever watched on shrooms was winnie the poo I lflipped my shit when he lands in the mud puddle and spits out the bees, freaked me out for hours lol

I did eat some really intense brownies and watched jeepers creepers scared the shit out of me when he started ramming the car in his ugly as car thing that was in the theatre to many many moons ago
Holy shit - I just found THIS trailer!! I watched this movie on ACID. MANY TIMES!!!!!
I love scary movies, i love that intense what is going to happen next feeling, i always jump and scream, ive had my father run into my bedroom (while im laying there all exposed) saying omg are u ok, what happened, because ive yelled really loud cuz i got scared ahahahahahahahahaha
one of the best movies i ever saw was The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia... what made it most scary is that it is all based on real life events...i actually went and did research because i thought it wasnt real...but it really is...i think that makes things more scary when they are based on real life stories

hahahaa best movie that i found was a mindfuck was antichrist! watch that shit the scene where she does the unholy act to her man made me wince and grab my yeehaw and be like bitch keeps away!
this beauty came to mind for some odd reason....
dunno if i watched it in its entirety, but amused by the whole 'planting people' thingy, Haaaa.

hahahaa best movie that i found was a mindfuck was antichrist! watch that shit the scene where she does the unholy act to her man made me wince and grab my yeehaw and be like bitch keeps away!

omg i remember that movie damn that was one f**ked up movie, being a female myself i screamed and was like wtf
this beauty came to mind for some odd reason....
dunno if i watched it in its entirety, but amused by the whole 'planting people' thingy, Haaaa.

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This I don't think I have EVER seen! I might have to try!!

I was very young when I started liking horror movies. I liked the "campy" ones, like "House". I remember watching one, and I don't know the name - I just remember the cover:

- a country bumpkin man and woman, and the man had a pitchfork with a head on it.

Excellent scary movie - until that unfortunate necrophilla rape-scene. hahahaha

Talk about TRAUMATIZED. hahahaha His fat white ass still haunts my dreams...
one of the best movies i ever saw was The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia... what made it most scary is that it is all based on real life events...i actually went and did research because i thought it wasnt real...but it really is...i think that makes things more scary when they are based on real life stories

Eeeer mer gerd! I never saw that - I didn't give it a try because of the "2". Most new scary movies have like 2 and 3 and Saw 19....bullshit.

Thank you! I am going to try it!!!!
taste like lobster talk like people

This one was a SCREAM.

"Night of 1000 cats...pray you have that many lives..."

It was about a millionaire playboy, that went around in his helicopter, picked up hot women tanning alone in their backyards - seduced them, had sex with them - and then cut off their heads for his trophy room and fed the rest to his CATS. 1000 cats!!!!


Best. Movie. Ever.

(on acid) hahaha
Eeeer mer gerd! I never saw that - I didn't give it a try because of the "2". Most new scary movies have like 2 and 3 and Saw 19....bullshit.

Thank you! I am going to try it!!!!

i totally understand what ur saying, usually horror movies cant have multiples after it, just isnt good, like u already know wat to expect and everything like tha, but yea this one is completely different, u will like it guaranteed
especially when she cuts her clit off, omfg wanted to scream, that just ahhhhhhhh, that image wouldnt let me sleep for days