I still do, but my account is restricted. It took like 20 refreshes just to get to the toke and talk front page.

Here's a little cult classic not too many people know about. It's one of my favorites, the short story is pretty good too.

Restricted? Cause of Miss J? I was pretty sure you never posted peen or anything? Maybe? hahaha

Well thanks for taking the time to post, I'll have to check it out!

I liked the movie "Big Driver" by the way. Worth a watch for sure.
I'm not reading through the 12 pages, but are Candyman, IT, the hills have eyes, wrong turn, Silent hill and the OG night of living dead
What about American horror story? Do you like it this season ? I find it worth watching but it's a bit over the top. My wife keeps saying she is over it but yet keeps watching.
Holy fuck there’s a new season?

I had no idea. hahaha

Last I saw was witches or something. Or was it the carnival?

Meh, I love that show! Thanks for telling me about this! I will stream the shit out of that!
Halloween (original)
Halloween II (original)
Rosemary's Baby
House of 1000 Corpses
Devil's Rejects
All the Hellraiser movies.
All the "Paranormal Activity" movies, except the last one.

I could go on forever.
The Exorcist
The Exorcist III (not 2 - it was horrible)
The Omen
The Omen II (not 3 - it was horrible)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
The Thing (original)